Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ubuntu Human with Murrina style.
Designed to be used with a rounded Murrina.
Suggestions are welcome.
- better scaling of the buttons in utility windows Last changelog:
Designed to be used with a rounded Murrina.
Suggestions are welcome.
- better scaling of the buttons in utility windows
New hilight from Murrine 0.51
Better outline for maximized windows
Completely new buttons from Murrine. Now they scale with the title font and they fit better with different color schemes.
Just the first version. Human with Murrine highlight.
Ratings & Comments
Hey your themes all turned clear after an update,
This is a great theme, EXCEPT: -Maximized looks rather bad. There's this gray bar above the window title that eats space - it's like I LOSE space when I maximize my window. -You need a square version, for people who aren't big fans of round themes. Fix those and it'll be better :)
Are you sure you have version 0.2.1 ? The maximization problem should be fixed. At least on my machine the titlebar outline in maximized mode is exactly as plain Human.
I like it ... how is this different from Clearlooks-Rounded (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=35088)?
Like Murrine this theme has no gradients, and it's particular hilight should mimic Murrine's buttons and scrollbars. Like Human the titlebar of the unfocused window blends with the menubar.