Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Finally an official Metacity for rounded murrine themes.
Two version included, one with a frame for inactive windows and one named MurrineRoundedLessFramed (as the first screenshot) without that inactive frame. Last changelog:
Two version included, one with a frame for inactive windows and one named MurrineRoundedLessFramed (as the first screenshot) without that inactive frame.
Fixed LessFramed unfocused maximized state
General: less shade on content separator upon menubar
New themes added: MurrineRoundedIcon and MurrineRoundedLessFramedIcon, with the app icon on the left
Tweaked corners a little
Increased inactive titlebar separator
First public release
Ratings & Comments
Hi, does someone know what GTK theme is used in the second screenshot?
Is there a way on the less frame version of the theme to set the outline of the active window to not be black. I like it to look seamless and actually change a couple of things in the GTKRC but cant figure out what is setting the color of the active, i want it to appear seamless like the unactive windows
Hi cimi, could u tell us the gtk, icon set (it looks like a nuoveXT icon theme), wallpaper and font used in the blue screenshot? Please :D
Hi what's the name of the font you are using? Nice theme!
hi, what gtk2 them are you using in those screens? great work btw :)
What Version of Rhythmbox do you use? I wonder about the Placements of Coverarts. How did you do that? By the way: great Theme, love it!
Hi, could you give us the gtk theme, icon set (apparently variation of Tango) and fonts you use on the first screenshot? I really like the overall look of it and want to reproduce it on my desktop. Thanks.
where can i find that gtk theme from first (green) shot?
Cool!!! Now Murrine is nearly perfect..4 me(there isn't yet an xfwm4 rounded official release :P ) Really nice :) Finally now Murrine > Human...IMHO!!!
finalmente un tema metacity murrine perfetto...quelli precedenti che ho provato avevano problemi con compiz attivato...grazie cimi
Hi! Nice metacity theme! Just 2 questions: 1. Where can i find the green wallpaper? 2. And the mule icon in the upper bar? Thanks so much! ;) Bye!!!
round looks good with the pretend one px border why not put the app icon next to the title?
Where did you get it? It looks so awesome :)
Can we have this with application icons instead of the arrow on the left?
I second that, and I have a little question: How can I remove the margin in the menubar? As shown in this screenshot: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5186/captureaq9.png It happens only with the murrine engine and with some metacity theme. So I presume I need to change the values in the xml file. Any suggestions?
change distance name="left_width" value="4" distance name="right_width" value="4" distance name="bottom_height" value="4" to distance name="left_width" value="1" distance name="right_width" value="1" distance name="bottom_height" value="1"
Is there a way of keeping these borders, but have them match the color and blend in with the title bar?