Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
eOS-metacity, for use with elementary-gtk. it is based on radiance (which is one of the default ubuntu metacity/gtk themes), so all credits goes to the original authors Kenneth Wimer, James Schriver. Last changelog:
- removed rounded bottom edges
- changed buttons
- recolored button background
- centered title
- fixed colorscheme when windows where maximized and inactive
Ratings & Comments
which icon theme do you use?
i use the wonderful elementary/elementary-monochrome iconsset by DanRabbit, which can be found here: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/elementary-Icons-65437279
where to get this gtk theme?
hi, gtk-theme is this one: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/elementary+EM+GTK?content=122781
Good! But I'd put the rounded bottom corners back.
thx! u can do it for yourself if u want. just edit lines 13 (rounded_bottom_left="false" rounded_bottom_right="false" -> "true") and 16 (<distance name="bottom_height" value="1"/>) -> value="5" in metacity-theme-1.xml.
It's that simple? Thanks for the tip... That makes me wonder... maybe tweaking a metacity theme so that it uses the main windows' colour is easier than I think?
yeah, thats easy, indeed.
My vote! ;)
thx man, glad u like it!