Description: Start , stop or see the state of apache2 , proftpd , ssh , samba , winbind , mysql ,webmin , tomcat.
1.unzip the archive 2.copy the folder server to /usr/share/ 4.make all files executable (properties ,permisions , alow executing file as program) and watch out to rights (root:rwx) 5. run Server Launcher and type your root password 6.additionaly you can create a launcher on desktop by typping in the command: /usr/share/server/server 7.Enjoy!
Ratings & Comments
Then everthing is good!
I modified the script a bit: #!/bin/bash ans=$(zenity --title="Tomcat Management" --list --width=300 --height=200 --text "Select from list below:" --radiolist --column "Run" --column "Task" TRUE "Start/restart tomcat" FALSE "Stop tomcat" --separator=":") if [ "$ans" = "Stop tomcat" ] then echo "==================================================" echo -e $RED"Stopping Tomcat"$ENDCOLOR /usr/bin/notify-send "Stopping Tomcat" /opt/tomcat/bin/ fi if [ "$ans" = "Start/restart tomcat" ] then echo "==================================================" echo -e $RED"Restarting Tomcat"$ENDCOLOR /usr/bin/notify-send "Restarting Tomcat" /opt/tomcat/bin/ fi And also renamed tomcat to