Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
In short:
- easy file transferring, e.g. in network where smb/samba refuses to work;
- no need for sender and receiver to have chat client running and be buddies (as with gnome-do woof-plugin);
- easy sharing of files too big to be attached on email
- changed line 275 in woof to create zenity info window with url instead of url printed in shell, and renamed to woof_ui
- made nautilus script
- wrote readme
0.2 thanks to greoj possibility to cancel or press ok in pop-up window
0.2.1 added 2nd script which asks how many times you want to upload (the default script is one-time-only).
0.2.2 thanks again to greoj improved window which gives both url for LAN-use and one for external receivers. Also improved readme.
0.2.3 no need to copy urls yourself; they are automatically copied to clipboard. GTK only!! Others must use 0.2.2 which is also still in the .tar.gz download and copy the url from the popup window.
Ratings & Comments
Hi again! I just couldn't wait! Here's an updated version of this great tool: www.css-petals.net/woof.zip It has the improvements mentioned in my comment above. Hope it helps!
Wow, thanks a lot for this. I was going to an ordeal trying to get your suggestion working. It is so easy in the end. I updated to 0.2 with your improvement, as you may have noticed. I changed the name of the script back again to evade confusion with sharing with samba or whatever. Now for 0.3 it would be nice to have the url copypasted e.g. to the clipboard, so it isn't lost when clicking the window away. A new message window which does not block the process would be easier to create, but can also be annoying. Also the process of woof is now pretty much lost. In the commandline it prints who is downloading and when it is finished. Ideas are welcome here.
Hi! Thanks for the update! I've been busy, too: The ZIP now contains code to fetch the recent external IP as well. And the linebreaks & phrasings are more reasonable & helpful. I got a friend to work on a KDE-port. I'd like to discuss future development of Woof-GUI with you. How about we move this away from these comments, set up a Github- or SVN-Hub someplace and start commiting? Contact me on Jabber at t.baldauf@avalon.hoffentlich.net or find me on freenode-IRC as "technopagan"!
Hi! Until now, I hadn't known about Woof - But it's exactly what I constantly need because the file-transfer-agents of IM-protocols really suck! Thank you for making this great tool easier to use! However, I've ancountered a slight usability-f*ckup: When trying the tool for the first time myself, I couldn't download the testfile - Nothing happened, the brwowser just sat there waiting for packages. And why? Because I had kept the Zenity-notification window open that said: "Now serving on ...". But you have to click the OK-button on that window to make Woof actually serve the file! So it's not "Now serving..." after all! It would be great if the Zenity-window could show the filename again, Then the ideal (!) usability-solution would be changing the window-contents to "The file 'XYZ.abc' will be available for a single download at". Then offer the OK-button below so people actually press it to confirm the offering of the download - Only then the download will actually work. And - to gain the gratitude of the whole known universe - offer an "Abort"-button as well, which will onclick kill the two python-processes that have started in the background once the user has selected a file with the nautilus-script option. I'll gladly help you translate the tool to German, French, Spanish, Esperanto & Turkish. And I'll gladly give more Usability-feedback!