I wrote this script before one year. Some parts of the code are away of my things, but this is not important.
Main purpose of my publication is to share with you the algorithm for alarm (and not only) which I found.
If you understand Bash, you'll see that the code is too bad... but it works.

As developer, you can make it better and show your version of "Simple alarm" (or something else) to other users. Good luck!

Well, follow the steps:
1. Extract folder "Alarm" (from archive) in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/
2. Run file set_alarm and follow instructions, to fill: name of event, hour and date
3. Wait for alarm.

It is posible to set as startup command:
bash ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Alarm/alarm
In this case you can set alarm after some days, one or more weeks, month.
If you have knowledge, you can combinate it with screenlet, to show you countdown to date of event.
Main features of the script are explained like comments.
I hope this will be helpful for you. If not, it doesn't matter.

Please, do not ask me: "Why this not works in my Linux?" or "What's the problem in the script?". I am not a bash developer. This is just my experiment. If you don't like - do not use it - pure and simple.
Sorry for "wonderful" english,
Have a nice day, or night, ot what else,
And Viva la Free Software!
I found fatal error in conversion of numer base. The problem is solved.
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