There are two main differences between the two:
1. The original doesn't create MD5 for multi-selections (like, more than one file or a directory with all its sub-directories and files).
2. This script has a better progress bar implementation so you can actually see how much left...
Installation instructions:
1. Download the file.
2. Move it to ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts
3. Make sure it is executable [chmod +x "Calculate MD5 (Files and Directories)"]
and install it and then you won't have to worry about script installation anymore

Comments would be appreciated!
Ratings & Comments
Now that's what I call a nice, simple and useful script. Thank you very much for sharing that. Only one question: Could you resize the little window that displays the md5sum when choosing the 'Display on screen' option, so that one can have a look at the result without resizing the window by hand ?
Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry, but I think there is no option to resize it, since Zenity, the program which is used to display the dialog, doesn't include an option to set the dialog size.
I changed some things on it I hope you find it useful here the link:
All changes you made are: 1. Handling -> Options 2. You replaced the entry dialog to info dialog. Am I correct?
i don't get how to add it via source :( can u upload the whole script in its wholeness..
on my end i uninstalled zenity :( now I installed it :) or re-installed it actually and now it works.. oh and if it doesn't work for anyone install cksfv by opening up synaptic package manger and doing a search for it.. :)
can u make a script that simply checks a file and displays the md5sum in a little window (maybe it can be copied and pasted from that window), instead of saving it to a file ?
I will to that Maybe I will add this option to this script so it will be more flexible... So stay tuned!
I believe the dialog asking for a filename can be skipped entirely. Simply apply some sane defaults for the filename, perhaps the file being summed or the folder if there are multiple files selected. The checksum file can simply be renamed later if the user wishes.
Thanks respite! I updated the script. Someone has an idea for another script?
Could you make it that it at first just alerts the checksums and in that Window there's an option to save it to a file? That'd be faster for those who only want to see it and same fast for those who want it to a file.