Description: This is my own set of Nautilus Scripts. I didn't write any of this, I just grabbed them from other NS packs.
Gedit Root ISO Mount ISO unMount Naudilus #Convert audio files Open Terminal Here Play in XMMS #Select a folder and play it in XMMS Rootilus #root nautilus in the current dir. Scale Image Scale Image To Sizes Search Here Set image as Wallpaper Video Converter
Dependencies: lame, gidalog, vorbis tools and libraries, mencoder, XMMS, and imagemagick. (If I forgot any dependency please let me know in the comments).Last changelog:
Nice selection, buddy.
But i think that "Play in XMMS" is not so actual as "Play in Audacious".
And very useful "Sent to" script is missing.
Thanks anyway.
I've made small German and Russian localisations for Scale Image To Sizes and Scale Image:
#----Scale Image To Sizes-----
case $LANG in
sv* )
title="Skala bild"
scale="Välj storlekar att skala bilden till";;
de* )
title="Bild skalieren"
scale="Wählen Sie die Zielgröße des Bildes";;
ru* )
title="Изменить размер фото"
scale="Выбрать желаемый размер";;
#----end-Scale Image To Sizes----
#---Scale Image---------
case $LANG in
sv* )
title="Skala bild"
scale="Storlek att skala till <längd>x<höjd>";;
de* )
title="Bild skalieren"
scale="Bild an die Größe <breite>x<höhe> skalieren";;
ru* )
title="Изменить размер фото"
scale="Скалировать до <ширины>x<высоты>";;
#---end Scale Image----
Ratings & Comments
Nice selection, buddy. But i think that "Play in XMMS" is not so actual as "Play in Audacious". And very useful "Sent to" script is missing. Thanks anyway.
I've made small German and Russian localisations for Scale Image To Sizes and Scale Image: #----Scale Image To Sizes----- case $LANG in sv* ) title="Skala bild" scale="Välj storlekar att skala bilden till";; de* ) title="Bild skalieren" scale="Wählen Sie die Zielgröße des Bildes";; ru* ) title="Изменить размер фото" scale="Выбрать желаемый размер";; esac #----end-Scale Image To Sizes---- #---Scale Image--------- case $LANG in sv* ) title="Skala bild" scale="Storlek att skala till <längd>x<höjd>";; de* ) title="Bild skalieren" scale="Bild an die Größe <breite>x<höhe> skalieren";; ru* ) title="Изменить размер фото" scale="Скалировать до <ширины>x<высоты>";; esac #---end Scale Image---- Enjoy