PyShare (imageshack/rapidshare/twitpic)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1. unpack folder and run install.sh (It will link some of the files from unpacked folder to nautilius scripts).
2. install python-pycurl (if not already installed)
3. install scrot (only if you want to send screenshots, not needed for sending files)
For best lossless screenshot compression install also optipng and set 'filesize' to 0 in configuration dialog(not advised on slow computer with fast connection, strongly advised on strong computer with slow connection)
If above don't work try restarting nautilius
a. overwrite old folder content with new one
b. unpack folder anywhere and run overwrite.sh (It will overwrite link in nautilius scripts folder)
sendFiles - sends selected image(s) to your preferred uploader(imageshack ot twitpic) and other files to rapidhshare - if no file is selected shows empty window on which you can drop files
sendDesktopScreenshot - takes screenshot of desktop and send it to your preferred uploader(imageshack ot twitpic)
sendWindowScreenshot - takes screenshot of clicked window or takes screenshot of selected area(note: first run this script, then click on window/select area)
PyShare_GTK - shows PyShare window. You can drop images on it, or take screenshot from there.
Errors are logged to ~/.pyshare/errorLog
bugtracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyshare
Imageshack, Twitpic and Rapidshare are registered trademarks. You have to agree to their TOS http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=rules http://twitpic.com/terms.do http://rapidshare.com/agb.html to use their services.
-help with translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/pyshare/
-help with artwork: http://naicik.blogspot.com/2010/02/pyshare-needs-you.html
-new translations
-fix saving credentials multiple times in keyring
-fix crash when translations are not found
-add IT and SV translations from launchpad
-minor refactor
-added uploading to Twitpic (requires account - see settings>accounts)
-fixed rapidshare uploading
-uploading as user to imageshack now possible (see settings>accounts)
-added plugin API
-added possibility to choose preferred uploader for filetype
changelog archive: http://ee.o12.pl/kacprzak/download/gnome-look/changelog.txt
more at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pyshareteam/pyshare/main/changes
Ratings & Comments
seems to be unable to open settiings now.
Please check 0.6.2 final version. Sorry that I did not answer earierl. Somehow I don't get notyfication about comments from gnome-look. I suggest using launchpad for reporting bugs, I will answer them faster.
Hi Nait. Thx for your great script. I've translated for Portuguese pt-BR on PPA. I have a lil problem here with the last version. I won't get the script to memorize the options I use, like twitpic and rapidshare accounts. Everytime I configurate this info, and use the script again, all the configs are gone. Any idea? Thx again and sorry for my poor english. lol
New problem: I would like to use my imageshack account but PyshareGTK doesn't remember it. When I come again to the "Configure","Accounts" tab, all is empty. In a terminal I have always this error: Exception KeyError: KeyError(-1221092496,) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc'> ignored Thanks for your help.
Have you checked a checkbox next to password? I'm quite sure,that PyShare remembers passwords in gnome keyring, but reads them only if this checkobox is selected. I'll try to make it more intuitive.
I verified the login and password recorded in gnome keyring (seahorse), they are good. I checked the "use" field in Pyshare but my picture are not upload on my imagehack account...
Somehow I cannot reproduce it. Sending to PyShare test account works. However none of my test users had an account for IC, so I was only one who tested it before release. Could you send me result of: tail -n 50 ~/.pyshare/errorLog What does not work correctly is loading password from keyring when checkbutton get selected(I'll fix that in next version). Currently to get it working you have to fill username, password and select "use" checkbutton in one go. Files uploaded later should use this password. After you close and open PyShare again Username,password and checkbutton should be filled(password as dots).
this is the entire error log file: http://rapidshare.com/files/447967871/errorLog
Well this log looks quite unexpected to me. It does not look like a invalid username/password. Most of it is complying that server did not respond and last one is in creation of menu in notification area. I'll investigate it further when I return home. PS: I've changed translation link in description to https://translations.launchpad.net/pyshare/.
Is there a place to declare Pyshare bug?
Could you plan to add export picture to: - picassa, flickr? or vidéo to: - youtube? - vimedo?
Short answer: yes Long answer: I would like to allow uploading to as many hosting sites as possible. Because of that I try to make writing new plugins as easy as possible(If you know a bit about programing you can look at plugins/Twitpic_com to see that it is quite simple with my new unfinished API). Unfortunately I don't have enough free time to write everything, but if TOS of services allows it, and uploading to this site does not look v.difficult there is a chance that it will be added to PyShare. Youtube for example have restriction that developers have to use private keys for singing and complying with that is quite impossible for desktop app. Fortunately they made a tools for uploading so I may write a plugin that will depend on them. If you want to speed up development of plugin for your favorite site please check its terms of service if it is allowed and if yes open a new wish on bugtracker https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyshare with link to TOS
Hello, PyshareGTK does not launch on my french Ubuntu. If I launch it in a terminal, I obtain this: $ /home/legluondunet/Ordi/Gnome/Nautilus/Scripts/PyShare0.6.0/PyShare_GTK.py translations for your language don't yet exist translations for your language don't yet exist Please help. LGDN
Sorry for that. Could you please try 0.6.1 version? It should be same, but shouldn't need any translation files.
Thank you, it works. Could you tell me how to translate PyShareGTK?
I'm glad that you want to help. For translation please go to https://translations.launchpad.net/pyshare/0.6.(link was in description. It will be changed from 0.6 to trunk later, when translations templates will be reviewed by launchpad, but this should not matter, because launchpad automatically merges translated messages between versions.
Why rapidshare? why not mediafire? most of the time you can't download from rapidshare, (without paying). mediafire always works
Hi. PyShare is designed to allow uploading to multiple hosting sites, so its not bind to only imageshack/rapidshare(in fact there is fe. imagebam plugin that worked last time I checked, but it wasn't turned on because off lack of proper testing). I'll certainly will look for adding support for more hostings, but now I'm busy with my work, and master degree. I guess that I probably won't release any new version before october.
Hello, The Imageshack.us uploader is broken for me for png generated by the gnome-screenshot (gnome-utils 2.28.1-1, debian testing). How to reproduce: I take a screenshot with gnome-screenshot, then save it as a png. 'file' on this png says it's a png. I upload it with pyShare. I get "error". When printing the xml received from imageshack.us I get this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <links> <error id="wrong_file_type"> Wrong file type detected for file Iceweasel.png:application/octet-stream </error> </links> When I force type=image/png on the http post header, it doesn't solve the issue. But if I upload the file manually on imageshack.us, then it all works well... I don't understand where the issue is... maybe a bug on the imageshack.us api?
Hello, thanks for your message. Sorry that I haven't responded earlier, I don't read this comments every day. I would read it faster if you would post it as a bug on launchpad.net/pyshare . Your observations are absolutely right, Imageshack api stopped to accept files with .png extension. Fortunately workaround is rather easy so I would make new release today. I made bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyshare/+bug/587255
Thank you for the fix. I didn't know there was a bugzilla elsewhere for this software, maybe you should add a link to it in the description.
workaround released
Imageshack gives failure to upload in newer version
Sorry to hear that. Does this happens all the time? Does it fails after file was upload(progresbar is filled) or before it started? Have it worked in previous version? Could you plese send me you ~/.pyshare/errorLog or post it here https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyshare/+filebug ?
the senimageshack.py work right, but the pyshare fail for the progress bar.... can you see it ? THANKS Bye