Hash Checker 4.0.8

Nautilus Scripts

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Hash Checker for Linux/Unix is small and useful tool for checking your downloads and other files with MD5, SHA1 and/or SHA256 hash. It comes with GUI completly translated in Croatian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish and Traditional Chinese (it will be auto-picked according to your system language (defaults to english if there's no translation in your language, but also it allows you to change it to any other)).


zenity (for displaying GUI)
md5sum, sha1sum and sha256sum (most distros have them by default)
xdg-user-dirs(-update) (most distros have this by default)


Just unpack, run 'Setup' script and follow the instructions.


Using with Nautilus:
Right-click somewhere in Nautilus, go to Scripts > Check hash then browse to the file you want to check
or (to avoid browsing for a file)
Right-click on the file you want to check then go to Scripts > Check hash
and also you can do it by draging and droping a file you want to check onto Hash Checker's desktop icon
Using with Caja:
Right-click somewhere in Caja, go to Scripts > (Nautilus > Check hash then browse to the file you want to check
or (to avoid browsing for a file)
Right-click on the file you want to check then go to Scripts > (Nautilus > Check hash
and also you can do it by draging and droping a file you want to check onto Hash Checker's desktop icon
Using with any File Manager:
Click at the Hash Checker's desktop icon to run it, then browse to the file you want to check


HashCheck-4.0.8.tar.gz: 0306c575520dc84d19440da3bab921c7


YouTube video (HC 4.0.0 RC5): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbSBZKALmGY
Shorter URL to this site: http://goo.gl/aRIk
ScreenCapture: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ScreenCapture?content=145111
Turbo-Secure by Dart00: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Turbo-Secure?content=133380


Kari Somby for Finnish translation, Ludovic Troisi for French translation, Robert Tödter for German translation, vagrale13 for Greek translation, Roberto Scaccaglia for Italian translation, Tuhut Vladut Emanuel for Romanian translation, Sergei Chistyakov for Russian translation, Milan Slovak for Slovakian translation, Daniel Scott for Spanish translation, Cheng-Wei Chien for Traditional Chinese translation and Oggy @ ubuntu-hr.org forum for help in tracking down lowest zenity version that works with custom labels
You folks rule!


CentOS 5.x and 6.0, Debian 5.xx and 6.0x, Fedora 13 and 14, Linux Mint 8 to 14, OpenSolaris 2009.06, OpenSuSE 11.x, PClinuxOS ZenMini 2009 (only md5 works) & 201x, Ubuntu 8.xx to 12.xx, ZenWalk 6.4, Sabayon 10, Arch Linux
Other DE's
Debian 5.xx KDE 3 (needs zenity installed), Fedora 15 LXDE, Kubuntu 8.04.2 KDE 3 to 12.04.1 KDE 4 (needs zenity installed), Linux Mint 9 FLUXBOX, Lubuntu 10.xx and 12.xx (needs zenity installed), Xubuntu 10.xx and 12.xx, Arch Linux LXDE


If you wish to translate Hash Checker into your language, you can take a look at Hash Checker's pack. Extract it and open it's folder. Inside it you'll find "files" folder and "Translation" file in it. Also, you can download "Translation" file from this site, which might be better idea, since it is up-to-date.
Last changelog:

Once again; old Hash Checker (v4.0.8)

Moved old Hash Checker (v4.0.<img class="decoda-emoticon" src="/emoticons/cool.png" alt=""> from dropbox to gnome-look. Everything else is the same.

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Well, some day I'll get 4.0.9 here. I've been using it for quite some time now and it seems to work fine. Problem is, beside me being lazy, that Slovenian translation I got few years back didn't got rechecked, and nothing else is THAT MUCH different than current 4.0.8 version so.. But still, even if Slovenian doesn't get implemented, one of the news is search engine pick which, to be honest is a big deal for me since I really do not like Google. Well, since now I'm on vacation I guess this could be the right time; new year and new HC release. :) I won't make any promises as I did earlier, I hate to break those. Cheers!


Hello, could you add crc32 checksum?


Sorry, mate, I don't think I will as it requires additional package to be installed. I'm trying to keep it as dependence free as possible. Also I apologize for late respond, I had to boot an old HDD to get here, I lost my password for this site. :/


9 +


Спасибо Дружище!!!


9 Thanks for your work


Hi, all :) Still alive and kickin' :D - I'm aware of dropbox quiting on Public folder stuff, so that's why you cannot access HC downloads any more. I'll swith it directly on this site soon and MAYBE even put new version as I promised about a year ago. :/ Cheers!


Hey, everyone! New HC is almost out. Nothing big 'n' new except for Slovenian language and some minor changes (nothing you'll notice at first ;)). As soon as Slovenian translation is checked out I'm gonna release it. Cheers!


Well, everything seems perfect and I'll release HC 4.0.9 as soon as I end my laziness :D It's just the thing that I have to edit the site's description of new HC, reupload new Translate file, upload new HC... Sheesh! :D


As you already saw, 4.0.8 is here! :) I found out that the only version of PCLOS which sux at xdg-open command is MATE edition. LXDE sux a bit less since it does open default browser after opening wrong application (which is default one for the file you checked). So, yeah.. need to see how to fix that. Until then, I already started working on 4.0.9 version which brings a bit cleaned code, and will probably bring duckduckgo searching along with google (you'll have to pick one before installing new Hash Checker).


Oh, oh, yeah. I also found out that new Fedora 21 with GNOME is, like, super-retarded! Nautilus has no option to pick what to do with executable scripts, it just opens them with gedit. Fail, if you ask me. If anyone knows how to change this behaviour (in some nautilus config file, perhaps), any help is more than welcome! :)


Just finished checking out new HC 4.0.8 on Arch Linux, made a new Setup script, packed it and now all that's left for me to do is to check out if any bugs on distros like *buntu, Mint and Fedora. Everything *should* work fine, but untill I'm sure... ;)


As it turns out, on most distros it works well, only new PCLinuxOS happens to misunderstand xdg-open command properly. With 4.0.7 situation on PCLOS is even worse, so I guess it's safe to update to new HC. If I don't discover any more surprises like this one any time soon, HC 4.0.8 will be here in a day or so.


Yep, I had some trouble regaining access to this gnome-look page since I had old password on one of my PCs. That mess is finaly over thanx to some awesome guy @ kde.org, so here I am again! :) Anyways, I did really small fix on really annoying bug in Hash Checker 4.0.7 so I'll upload 4.0.8 version pretty soon. Just need to check If it works on other distros as well as on Arch Linux and make a new setup script with this fix in it. C ya! :)


Hi, beautiful app, simple and easy to use! I have had a little problem under Gnome shell with the Setup script, at the end of the install there was no script nor link in ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts I've linked it from ~/.HashCheck/..., everything works fine now. I've also raised the height of the first window, 250 isn't enought (290 is better) for the 4 choices we have (md5/sha1/sha256/save), don't know if it is related to GS or my GTK theme ??? Thanks for this nice program!


Hey, I'm glad it works for you now. I've had plans to add few more things to the script, but lately I'm just too busy doing nothing, lol. Lazy ass, that's what it is. I'm not sure how the symlink (used to?) go(es), but if it changed, then I really do need to take care of it. Well, I'll have to check that for myself. BTW, which OS r u using?


I'm running GS 3.12 on an ArchLinux. I've used it 2 or 3 times since my post, all is working fine, thanks!


I'm running Arch Linux on all of my PCs and laptop. I use almost all popular DEs except GS (and Unity, lol). I'll have to make a test installation of Arch with GS to inspect the problem with installation. As I'm currently swamped, it could take a while.. :(


Great job. Thanks a lot! Hvala puno komšija!


Thanx! :) I'm glad you like it! ;) Hvala! :) Drago mi je da ti se sviđa! ;)


Plans for new HC are made, just need to "move" myself to get it done! :D I plan to add DuckDuckGo search, maybe even Yahoo as an alternative to Google search. This you'll have to pick during (first) install. Next releases will respect what you choose first time until you uninstall HC. In that case, next time you try to install HC, it will be as it never existed. ;) Happy Easter 2 ya all!


Wish u all the best in your lifes, and keep using FLOSS! ;)


All work is done, now it's testing time. You'll notice that HC 4.0.7 is almost half in size comparing to HC 4.0.6 coz of some stupid *~ hidden backup files removed and almost 5 times smaller HC icon in filesize while keeping it's resolution (48x48 pixels)! Cool, huh? ;)


In next release you can expect one more language to choose from. I haven't started working on it yet, but I will pretty soon. Stay tuned!


MATE being nice and quite popular fork and replacement to old Gnome 2 DE should be properly supported, right? Right click on a file needs fixing. Creating a folder named nautilus-scripts under ~/.gnome2 before you install HC4.0.6 fixes this issue. Well, that's what I plan to fix in next release... ;)

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