Please tell me if anything is wrong or if you believe it could use some work.
To Install:
Right click on GnoMenu
Select Preferences
Click on Panel Button on the left
Click on the install Icon (Looks like a plus "+" sign)
When it says theme installed, you know you're done!

They are not kidding when they say in the readme file that if you just copy the theme into the directory and its not coded correctly that it will cause it to crash... it happened to me during the making of the button.
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Ratings & Comments
i dont get how to install
Very Lawful, but I'm not geting install?! =( Can you help me? Contact me:
it's on my menu and the top that comes over the border of the panel is gone completely. you need to make it scaled right. :)
For about a month the tops of all of the orbs of mine have looked off. I have tried re-scaling them as you suggested, and they still look off. I honestly do not know why they are rendering slightly skewed now when they didn't before (as the screenshot shows). I will work on it when I find time.
I made the version 24px ... Now it is GnoMenu thanks to you
great! I'd love to know how you do that