Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other XMMS Skins:
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Ratings & Comments
This skin looks very ripped from this skin: http://www.schultz-net.dk/images/xmms/debian.jpg I might be wrong. Also, for the person looking to install it, just download the file into /home/you/.xmms/Skins/
In the readme of the theme it's specified as this: Adapted from Jesper Schult's Debian 1.0 skin for XMMS (www.shultz-net.dk) by Nathan Sprangers (farruinn@cwazy.co.uk). So i don't believe that Nathan is in violation of the Artistic Licens the it was originaly published on... I don't know much about copyright's and stuff... but i believe that under that licens this should be okay... btw... awesome skin... (both the original and the modified)
In skinning, I know it is customary to get the original creators permission and include that in the readme. Crediting the creator is usually not enough. (legally, I'm not sure)
This skin looks very ripped from this skin: http://www.schultz-net.dk/images/xmms/debian.jpg I might be wrong. Also, for the person looking to install it, just download the file into /home/you/.xmms/Skins/
How do you install these themes for the XMMS? *I'm new with everything in Linux*
Awesome skin