Analog VUmeter Skin 's
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Skins made for the
XMMS VU-meter plugin Version >= 0.9.2 (http://vumeterplugin.sourceforge.net/themes.php), which is dockable to the XMMS-Player and supports the LED-Clipping.
Audacious Analog VU meter plugin 0.8 from (http://www.netswarm.net/)
* Debian-Package "audacious-vumeter-0.8-1_i386.deb
* http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?s=eea4696648109dc67e9f4dad929dc826&attachmentid=50405&d=1195253836
* RPM-Packages Vumeterplugin XMMS SuSE
* James Ogley (http://usr-local-bin.org) has build the Packages for all SuSE-Distributions.
* You can download it from following adress: (http://repos.opensuse.org/home:/Riggwelter/)
* Also have a visit to (http://oxfam.org.uk/in). -Thanks too-
* Package Vumeterplugin for Slackware 11.0
* SuSE-Distribution !!!
* To get the XMMS-Player working properly, install the packages "xmms" and "xmms-lib"
* from PACKMAN (http://packman.links2linux.de/package/xmms).
The Player-Skins can be downloaded from:
Almond Dark-Blue http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41102
Ater Green http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=43630
bunjee blue&orange http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/bunjee?content=71828
Digiblue http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=147657
Expensive HiFi http://www1.1001skins.com/skin_details.html?skin_id=2728
E_0008 http://www.customize.org/details/25431
iFraizer Edition http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=66663
Kore Player http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=56254
My First Sony http://www.winamp.com/skins/details/142821/reviews
NJOY http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=52067
Seamaster http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31224
Vortigo http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=55440
Zen by ~k-raki http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50847146/
To install a Player-Skin put the downloaded "*******.wsz" - File in the directory:
/home/~/.xmms/Skins ---- XMMS can read "*.wsz" - Files.
If You have downloaded a Tar-archive extract it to the same directory
( Actual version of the XMMS-Player is 1.2.10, needs only 2% CPU-Time )
Installation of the VU-meterplugin:
If there is no RPM-Package for Your Distribution available
You have to install from sources, don`t be afraid, it's easy !
1. Download and untar the Source-File from "Sourceforge" (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=56771&package_id=52133)
2. Check whether You have installed the GCC Compiler on Your system and update
the XMMS-Player if necessary. Install the "XMMS-Devel Package" !!!
3. Open a console and become root, go into the untared directory of the vumeterplugin.
4. Run following 3 commands one after the other:
./configure or configure
make install
When You get an error-message, look at "google" to solve the problem !!!
5. The plugin is now installed. Next You have to make a new directory called VU_Meter_skins in Your local XMMS-directory (/home/~/.xmms/). Move
the "default" and the other Skins from the untared Plugin to the new directory.
Start XMMS and activate the VUmeter-plugin. Ready!
When it doesn't starts, then first have a look on the rights of the new files.
A detailed installation guidance for the plugin and the Skins You can
find under: (http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/dicas/verDica.php?codigo=7789)
or: (http://www.jellykernel.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=112&Itemid=25)
You can configure the plugin by clicking the button leftside top. I prefer
the settings You can see in the 2 windows of the screenshot.
There is also a config-file in each Skin-directory, there You can set
items as for example the color of the needles and more, more, more... Last changelog:
XMMS VU-meter plugin Version >= 0.9.2 (http://vumeterplugin.sourceforge.net/themes.php), which is dockable to the XMMS-Player and supports the LED-Clipping.
Audacious Analog VU meter plugin 0.8 from (http://www.netswarm.net/)
* Debian-Package "audacious-vumeter-0.8-1_i386.deb
* http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?s=eea4696648109dc67e9f4dad929dc826&attachmentid=50405&d=1195253836
* RPM-Packages Vumeterplugin XMMS SuSE
* James Ogley (http://usr-local-bin.org) has build the Packages for all SuSE-Distributions.
* You can download it from following adress: (http://repos.opensuse.org/home:/Riggwelter/)
* Also have a visit to (http://oxfam.org.uk/in). -Thanks too-
* Package Vumeterplugin for Slackware 11.0
* SuSE-Distribution !!!
* To get the XMMS-Player working properly, install the packages "xmms" and "xmms-lib"
* from PACKMAN (http://packman.links2linux.de/package/xmms).
The Player-Skins can be downloaded from:
Almond Dark-Blue http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41102
Ater Green http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=43630
bunjee blue&orange http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/bunjee?content=71828
Digiblue http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=147657
Expensive HiFi http://www1.1001skins.com/skin_details.html?skin_id=2728
E_0008 http://www.customize.org/details/25431
iFraizer Edition http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=66663
Kore Player http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=56254
My First Sony http://www.winamp.com/skins/details/142821/reviews
NJOY http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=52067
Seamaster http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31224
Vortigo http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=55440
Zen by ~k-raki http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50847146/
To install a Player-Skin put the downloaded "*******.wsz" - File in the directory:
/home/~/.xmms/Skins ---- XMMS can read "*.wsz" - Files.
If You have downloaded a Tar-archive extract it to the same directory
( Actual version of the XMMS-Player is 1.2.10, needs only 2% CPU-Time )
Installation of the VU-meterplugin:
If there is no RPM-Package for Your Distribution available
You have to install from sources, don`t be afraid, it's easy !
1. Download and untar the Source-File from "Sourceforge" (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=56771&package_id=52133)
2. Check whether You have installed the GCC Compiler on Your system and update
the XMMS-Player if necessary. Install the "XMMS-Devel Package" !!!
3. Open a console and become root, go into the untared directory of the vumeterplugin.
4. Run following 3 commands one after the other:
./configure or configure
make install
When You get an error-message, look at "google" to solve the problem !!!
5. The plugin is now installed. Next You have to make a new directory called VU_Meter_skins in Your local XMMS-directory (/home/~/.xmms/). Move
the "default" and the other Skins from the untared Plugin to the new directory.
Start XMMS and activate the VUmeter-plugin. Ready!
When it doesn't starts, then first have a look on the rights of the new files.
A detailed installation guidance for the plugin and the Skins You can
find under: (http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/dicas/verDica.php?codigo=7789)
or: (http://www.jellykernel.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=112&Itemid=25)
You can configure the plugin by clicking the button leftside top. I prefer
the settings You can see in the 2 windows of the screenshot.
There is also a config-file in each Skin-directory, there You can set
items as for example the color of the needles and more, more, more...
2010/02/28 More Skins for Audacious added
2010/02/21 Vortigo Skins for VUplugin 1.0.0 added
Links: Installationguides for
Ratings & Comments
Dear ottlux I successfully installed it in in lucid lynx and it works flawlessly.It looks more than just beautiful I love it so much to have such wonderful plugins. Thank you very much- my lord !
10 points for the "my first sony" :)
If someone can compile a version for maemo OS2008...its can be great!!
thank for help :)
Plug-in does not act me too. You can as help ?
The VUmeter-Skins need a new Konfiguration-File for the new VUmeter-Plugin 1.0.0 to work properly!! I've made some new Skins for Download. More Skins for the new Plugin will follow. ~ ottlux
VM plugin is no longer available to Audacious 2.x, it is a pity.
VUmeter plugin 1.0.0 works very well with Audacious 2.x !!! Download and Compile the new "VUmeter plugin 1.0.0" from http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=120568 and install the VUmeter Skins for Plugin 1.0.0 ~ ottlux
I just download analog-vu-meter-plugin-1.0.0-beta.tar.gz and get a error while configuring, checking for AUDACIOUS... no configure: error: *** Audacious >= 1.5.0 not installed - please install first *** however, I have Audacious 2.2-1 installed, so I just wonder if analog-vu-meter-plugin-1.0.0-beta is available for Audacious 2.x or not?
You need to install the package "audacious-devel", when You compile the plugin from sources! ~ ottlux
Dress makes a man? I was able to install uv meter in Jaunty but whenever I try to install it in 9.10 Karmic- 64 Bit it gives me the message " no make file found"Could you help me to solve this . Thank you for this beautiful work.
I forced 32 bit uv meter into 64 bit and it is installed. Now how I get it worked?
Very good ! Is the moon-clock a widget or how did you made conky to display images ?
Thx. The System-Monitor is "GKrellM". (http://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html). Backgrounds for GKrellM are available under (http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/). I use it with Plugins for Weather, Moon Clock, Volume and XMMS. ~ ottlux
Hey does anybody know the name of the window decoration theme, its visible in the second screen shot, where the buttons look like they are handwritten? I'm not talking about one of VUmeter skins, but of the window theme..! Iknow its a little late... Thanks for any help =)
Hi, The Theme You are looking for is called "Crystal". You find it on KDE-Look: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal?content=13969 It's beautiful, Enjoy it! ottlux
Absolutely gorgeous!
I don't succeed change my skin :-( I put extracted skin file in skin dir of XMMS, then I try to change skin in xmms (Alt-S>select new skin) but the skin doesn't change. The only skin changeable is default debian skin XMMS ver. is 1.2.10
The Skin`s are for the "Analog VUmeter-plugin" of XMMS. You must differentiate between Player-Skin and VUmeter-Skin. To use other Player-Skins, put them into the skin directory of XMMS. To use VUmeter-Skins You have first to install or to compile the "Analog VUmeter-plugin" and to extract the VUmeter-Skins in the VU_Meter_skins directory. Try first some Player-Skins and activate them with ALT-S in XMMS. When You like the XMMS-Player and You want to have the additonal VUmeter-plugin, compile it. Go step by step through my Installation-guidance for the plugin and have also a look on other sides with explanations how to install the plugin: (http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/dicas/verDica.php?codigo=7789) (http://www.jellykernel.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=112&Itemid=25) Thank You for Your interest and I hope that will help You.
Thank you for reply. VUmeters plugin is ok and works well! I've complided VUMeter plugins and activate it. Very awesome!!! My prob., instead, is about xmms panel skins. All traditional skins work but not Almond or Digiblue or Expensive HiFi skins...
Ok, ok I didn't understud :-) Skins are downloadable from links that you have noticed in your post (example for Expensive Hi-Fi http://www.1001skins.com/skin_details.html?skin_id=2728) Problem solved! Thanks a lot!
For french people who doesn't understand how to install VU meter: http://www.jellykernel.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=112&Itemid=25 By the way, this skin is awesome !
New link: http://www.jellykernel.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62%3Axmms-vu-meter-plugin&catid=35%3Asonetvideo&Itemid=57&lang=fr
I don't use XMMS, neither those skins. Buy hey! Analog VU meter is a classic ;)
The Best!!!! Perfect!!!