Description: Inspired from the Original Debian GNOME splash screen
HowTo install :
How do I change the GNOME splash screen?
To change the splash screen, put the downloaded image in an unobtrusive location (since it will need to remain there as long as you want it to be the splash screen). A logical location would be ~/.gnome/splash.png (or .jpeg if the image is a JPEG). Then, edit the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_screen using the Configuration Editor (Panel menu->System Tools->Configuration Editor) or the commandline tool gconftool-2.
from : changelog:
09.03.07 - Added second version of Debian splash screen
Ratings & Comments
I've been looking for a clean olive murrina for quite some time. What's that in your screenshot?
it's murrineGperfection
Ahh yes. Thanks!
Anytime :)
Your download link gives me something other than advertised :)
Just noticed, have to rebuild the theme :/ because i lost the backup