I'm glad you like it. I did throw together a GDM:
but a Usplash may be a little out of my league.
And yeah, I love the Elegant Brit theme. It's nice to have something different.
Ratings & Comments
I'm glad you like it. I did throw together a GDM: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Brit+GDM+Login+Theme?content=81376&PHPSESSID=fa0105a5b162118f6218d9b5931659d4 but a Usplash may be a little out of my league. And yeah, I love the Elegant Brit theme. It's nice to have something different.
Great work! The whole Elegant brit theme is great. At last something original and different. The only thing missing now is a usplash theme.
No problem. It was easy to do and fun to learn a little Inkscape.
Again many Thanks...much appreciated.