Neon LibreOffice Dialogs
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other LO Splash Screens:
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Ratings & Comments
It is possible to make in the same style for Ubuntu - tweak?
yeah, sure. i`ll do that over weekend.
You can make icons pidgin-toobars-1.13 in the same style?
surely i`ll try, but i can`t promis any fast progress. this will last a while i think. because of don`t using pidgin. we`ll see whats goin´ on. aigh? otherwise u r free 2 use empathy :-P.
This is wonderful. This should propose elementary team
thanx a lot, man! maybe elementary team won`t include this, because abiword is default office replacement and they don`t support Libre/OpenOffice. i don`t mind that. for others, they can easily install LibreOffice and replace the default splash ;-). cheerz
Thanks for fast work!) Let's wait for new works in this style.
u r welcome, it wasn`t difficult so it costs me almost no time. if u have some ideas for things like that, let me know. cheerz
Nice desktop!
thanx a lot mate! its just a slightly modificated elementary desktop with modificated faenza icons as well. cheerz