Death Note login with face browser ENG
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is the english version of my previous work...The text on the Death Note page was hungarian...Sorry, I'm not sleep for 26 hours...Sorry. 
Last changelog:

v1.01 The text on the inner picture now english.
Ratings & Comments
Nem igazán tudok adni. Én leszedtem egy GDM-et, kibontottam, cserélgettem a képeket, átírtam az .xml leíróját és figyeltem, mi történik. Így tanulgattam bele. Azt olvastam, ehhez amúgy sincs sok leírás. Úgyhogy szerintem kísérletezz a kibontott téma tartalmával. Én is azt tettem.
Hya! I am a beginner, could u recommend me a gd tutorial, how to make login screen? my own? it is ok in hungarian or english :D thx, koszi :D
I will make a new theme for The Crow, in similar style than this. If the things go fine, it will be ready tomorrow. I must tribute to that movie, and Brandon, for his unforgetable work. If you like that movie too, then I hope you will like that than I. :D:D