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Stylebuntu Sky
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Stylish Sky Ubuntu GDM Theme.

0 Affiliates
version 0.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0
More GDM Themes from saib0t:
Other GDM Themes:
GDM Themes
For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:
Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes:

Ratings & Comments
ok call me strange but i rather liked it with the exception of the ubuntu logo plastered in the login box.. i understsnd distro preferences but not all of us are beholden by the virtues of umbuntu.. in this case my web browsing machine happens to like redhat 8 and doesn't run well on umbuntu, my other two run debian sarge so given the plugs there it is kind of too bad that so many of these nice login screens have to be branded. some of us prefer not to brand the distro. nuff said
wow, childish linux users are so bitter towards windows
Looks like it's a bit windows inspired, with the modified bliss background (originally from Windows, edited I don't know by whoom), with something that looks a bit like the new aqua crystal theme that will be in vista for the main window bit. I rather like it, although the Ubuntu Linux message is a bit... overshadowed by the Windows presence.
It's to bad that you think of windows when you se a pieace of beutiful nature. ;) But yes, I must agre with you, it's feels a bit windows and thats to bad. It's to bad that it is that way, that ppl see win when they look at the nature.