[strike]i have been trying to perfect it, but there seems to be some problem! i request anybody who can to take a look at the code and tell me what is wrong...
the problem is that the options button appears only in "switch user" screen but not "login" screen![/strike]
Problem solved...

i hope every one likes this one
BTW the background is taken from computerfreewallpapers.com and i have no idea about its license (i guess its free since its available freely)
the rest of it created by me n my brother...
hey guys i was busy wid my other project (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/antiqua?content=99280) so i ignored this for a while... any way
for all those fans of black n white themes...
i uploaded another version of my theme... its all black and white.. except for her eyes...

hav fun

looking forward for ur comments..
these themes were tested in 1024x768 res, i have no way of testing in other resolutions sorry... but feel free to modify them according to ur needs ..

Ratings & Comments
Here is the guy, who made this picture. It is the first of his "minimalistic black and white" series.: http://knives-banime.deviantart.com/
Excellent theme, it's unique! Thanks for sharing.
thx man... i would appreciate ideas from users , i'll try to make them into themes..
Oh, I like the shadow for the username and password field. Nice touch!
thx dude...
For the "show" node on line 61, add "console" to the list of modes.
hey dude, thanks a bunch... the problem is solved... file is updated... (BTW can u explain how that lil thing solved my problem? would help me understand things a lil better, thanks again)
To tell you the truth. I just started coding GDM themes, so I am not 100% sure why that fixed it. You might try the following link to learn a bit more about GDM theming. http://www.jirka.org/gdm-documentation/x1259.html It may not make a lot of sense, but you can wade through it to find what you are looking for.