Fucks to the system fucks to the empire!

GDM Themes

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Fucks to the empire
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Es una lástima comprobar lo estrecho de mente que pueden llegar a ser algunas personas, por no mencionar su nulo aporte y sus crí­ticas sin sentido.

En fin, lalalala.

Ratings & Comments



Al pana No Persona mis felicitaciones. Me parece que te quedo demasiado bueno ese tema, no le pares a los que te critiquen por hacer cosas diferentes. Asi como tu dices lalalalalalala... Me anduve leyendo el tute que escribiste para configurar el conky, porque soy nuevo en ubuntu y quiero tener cosas visualmente atractivas para mi escritorio, pero quiero que tengan mi propio estilo... Saludos desde Caracas y sigue con lo tuyo... se te da bien...


Excelente theme, gracias por compartirlo. Excellent theme, thanks for sharing it.


This is a very good theme nopersona. The stormtrooper's pose made me laugh. I wish I had the creativity and knowledge to do something like this. Do not let closed minded people get you down. Not all Americans are easily offended. Keep on fighting the good fight!!


Thanks for your commentary, indeed! ;)


Hey guys not been on here for a few days. Look, I was offended by the title and not by the artwork. To set the record straight, I admire the creativity of all the people who contribute to this site. I am not an artistic person and always struggle turning my ideas into valuable contributions to this community hence the reasons for not posting anything. Please accept my apologies if I caused any upset. I do not want to fall out with the community and hopefully one day will have something to add other than comments. Good discussion though wasn't it!!


Now I can see how is the peopel in "America". I have just deleted LeopardX why, because I don't have permission from Apple. There are thousands of materials like this, just look at deviantart. You don't have to worry about what this peopel say, this material is good, if the author of the wallpaper demands copyright or something like that, just give it to him.


While the theme itself isn't bad or offensive, the only thing I really question is originality. Did you yourself make the background image used in this theme? If no, were you granted permission to use it by the artist who did create it? Otherwise, I actually like this.


I have taken the picture of a page of walls a lot of time ago, neither the name nor the author was specified. When I know the author of an picture that I want to use, always I ask for authorization or respect the license, but this one is not the case, do not be the name of the author :( The idea of turning her into a GDM was enterteining. If someone knows the author warn. Thank you ;)


I am a card carrying member of the largest star wars fans assoc. here and am a huge follower of anything Star Wars related! And frankly i don't find this GDM offensive at all! i love this theme and find it funny! i wonder y some folks have a problem with this theme! a little sense of humor will help! and i concur with most here that ppl r free to choose what they like! if u guys don't like it, then simply leave it, rather than calling it 'filthy' and other crap! u folks can take ur censorship BS to some other place! don't be bothered by some clownish comments nopersona! ur doin a great job as always!


Thank you for the support boys. This is one good and free community! ;)


To all the naysayers on this thread . . . We'll, you're free not to put it on your computer. You're free to try to come up with a search querey to return only things that you like so that you don't offend yourself when you're browsing. You're free to go to some other site. You're free to start your own stite. Personally, I find your desire for censorship a lot more disturbing that a little gutter humor. I, for one, liked it. It made me laugh. I voted for it. I downloaded it. And I put it on my computer. Rock on Nonpersona!



Personally, I find your desire for censorship a lot more disturbing that a little gutter humor.
i second that wholly. well said.


I don' think it should be removed and I think you guys are a little immature to handle it. I find this way more appropriate than the nudity found on GNOME-LOOK.


shit man! jajejej mormon people... chaoman!


if you don't like it don't download it. no need to flame the man. nopersona is a great contributor to this site. he has produced many fine works, as i have yet to see from any of his critics. as for calling this particular piece "filth"... i'm not sure where you come from but i fail to see "filth" in this. maybe a little mature in nature but certainly not "filth". please contribute something worthwhile before bashing someone's creative talent.


My vote for you, really funny gdm theme!


Cool Gdm Theme!!! great work


Gracias compatriota, estos gringos puritanos ya me tienen harto! Sé que no todos son así, pero la imágen que dan no les ayuda mucho; estrechos de mente, cerebros de ameba. Una lástima de verdad. Etc.


Get rid of this theme. It is inappropriate for this site. Suggest a moderator considers removing this unless it is revised.


I too feel the same way, Tommohawk. In fact, as soon as I saw this, I sent an E-mail to whoever runs this site and asked for this entry's removal, as it is totally unfit for this site and in EXTREMELY poor taste.


lol Excuse me majesty, but your opinion is EXTREMELY POOR and irrelevant. What is your contribution to the community?


Nopersona, the reason I reacted the way I did is because, as a Christian, I feel a sense of duty to stand up for what is good, pure, and decent (Jude, verses 3-5), and for that, I do NOT apologize. Also, the reason I haven't contributed anything on here yet is I've recently switched from KDE to GNOME, since I don't care for how the new KDE4's default look looks too much like Windows Vista for my tastes, which is, of course, a complete loser of an operating system. But I do plan to contribute soon once I figure out everything there is to know about GTKRC files and creating some themes I have the general look and feel of in my mind. Anyways, the main reason I'm posting is that after what you posted last night, yes, I was mad. But last night while watching 1 vs. 100, out of the blue, the Holy Spirit gently, lovingly, and methodically spoke to me about this, and reminded me of what Matthew 5:10-16 says. And of course, the Lord is right -- even though I was still fuming, I've got a lot of reasons to rejoice, with the main reason being that, since I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior, my name is recorded in the Lamb's book of life (Revelation 21:27). The question here is, is yours? (Revelation 20:15) Lest you think it's because of something I've done, it isn't. I'm not perfect and don't make any claim to be, and in fact, I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect. Rather, it's because of Jesus Christ in my life that my name is in the Lamb's book of life and that I'm on my way to heaven. And by the way, telling me to go to hell will be useless and futile, because I already made arrangements for heaven when I fully understood my own need for Jesus when I was in high school, and He's the one who paid my fare at Calvary for a one-way ticket home when I shall leave this life. Hopefully that won't be anytime soon, but if it should be, I'm ready. The good news is, Jesus is making the very same offer for you, too. Even after this, He loves you very, very much and wants to have a personal relationship with you (Revelation 3:20). You are, of course, free to repent and come clean before God and accept that offer of eternal life (which I recommend) or reject it and continue being the way you are now (which I wouldn't do if I were you). You're free to do whatever you want, but you will not be able to stop me from praying for you and that you will come to fully understand your need for Jesus. There, I've said my peace.


Wtf? And you, what have you designed? Idiot leech ;)


everything you say about this job is bullshit, i dont trust brains like yours


Hi great GDM theme. Where did u get the picture? My son of 3 loves it and wants it on a t-shirt :)

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System Tags

GDM Themes

For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:

Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes: