Ubuntu Basic Black

GDM Themes

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(Note: because of the inclusion of the splash screen and wallpaper files, you need to first extract the "UbuntuBasicBlack.tar.gz" archive out of the downloaded archive in order to be able to install the GDM theme.)

I like black. Lots of black. So here is a GDM theme based on the basic "Ubuntu Human" theme (uses same icons and basic layout) but changed to black (logo, username window, bottom bar, etc.).

A "generic" GNOME version is available here as well for people who don't use Ubuntu or prefer to use "unbranded GNOME": http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=81030

Included in the archive are two splash screens and two wallpaper pics (1280x1024 and 1280x800), all using the same basic logo.
Last changelog:

2007-06-30: added another splash screen based on the "splash pack" by troseph (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Splash+Pack?content=61272).

2007-05-14: reduced the logo size, changed the "Username:" color, changed warning message colors.

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I like black too. I strongly prefer the dark themes for style as well as ease of reading. But it seems like all the dark themes ruin the reading space on web pages and in many apps. So that, if a particular app doesn't have a way to change the text color, you must either give up your dark theme or else give up that app. Do you know of any way around this? I have had some limited success with Firefox under Edit > Preferences > Content > Colors and unselecting 'use system colors'. That only half way fixes the problem though. Many of the text fields remain black on black. (For example the search field on YouTube). And this does not fix the problem for other apps. Any thoughts?


Sorry, but it looks like I missed your question from a long time ago. You've probably found the answer, but in case someone else happens along and is asking the same question, I'll try to be helpful. If I am understanding your question properly, at least with Firefox, the solution is not too difficult. To get different color text for the menu items in Firefox, edit your /home/USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/userChrome.css file by adding the following: menubar, menubutton, menu, menuitem, menupopup, popup > * { color: white !important; } The "USERNAME" folder is different for everyone; you'll have to just look at what yours is; make sure you have turned on "show hidden files" in your Nautilus view menu. There is a sample file in there already with some info for a few settings. I can't remember how many options for color there are off the top of my head, but I am aware that you can use "white" and "silver" and there are others. Sorry I can't help more, but my knowledge about this stuff is quite limited.


Hi, I new to Ubuntu and Linux and really like the look and feel of it. I was wandering if you can help me with the following problem Im having: I saved 58111-UbuntuBasicBlackArchive.tar.gz to my desktop then gone to... System -> Preferences -> Theme Clicked "Install Theme" and selected "58111-UbuntuBasicBlackArchive.tar.gz" and clicked "Open" It then brings up an error: "The file format is not valid" Can you help?


Yes, I think I can. Because I included the wallpapers and splash screens, there is an archive within the archive. First extract all the files in the archive you download from GNOME-Look.org, then you will have the second archive named UbuntuBasicBlack.tar.gz. That one is the one you can use to install the GDM theme. Sorry that is so complicated, but I thought it would be best to keep everything together so that people who like the GDM can also have a splash screen and wallpaper to match. Let me know if you are still having trouble.


Just what I wanted. The color, and matching Wallpaper


thanks looks good


I second that opinion.

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System Tags

GDM Themes

For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:

Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes: