Language Flags for Faenza Dark Panel
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:I made these to solve the problem with the input language indicator menu in Ubuntu 10.10. It displays both a text label for the language and an annoying (and pointless) generic icon. After installing these images and activating flag display (see below) the text label disappears and you have a nice, compact language indicator that does not interrupt these monochrome icon themes.
To use the images, untar (expand) the downloaded file into the folder ~/.icons/flags. If there is no "flags" sub-folder just create it. Then you need to enable the display of flags for input languages in gconf:
1. Open gconf-editor (in Ubuntu type ALT-F2 to open the "run application" dialogue and then type "gconf-editor" without the quotes and press enter).
2. Navigate the folder tree to Desktop > Gnome > Peripherals > Keyboard > Indicator
3. Activate the check-box for "showFlags"
If you don't see the flag images right away just change your input language or switch icon themes to refresh the icons.
I've included a template file with the icon background in case others would like to create their own additional flags. I've used the new Ubuntu font (in bold) at either 84 pt or 78 pt (depending on the letter spacing) on the 128x128 scalable icons.
1.3 - fixed the filename for the Arabic language flag.
1.2 - fixed an error in the installation instructions (the files should be in a subfolder of "~/.icons" not "~/.fonts").
1.1 - Added a flag for the Latin American keyboard layout (latam.svg).
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I use USA and USA-Dvorak for my keyboard layouts. These icons save screen space in natty narwhal but do not show which layout I am using because they both use the same icon. Anyone know of a solution for this?
The solution is just to make more flags with some visible differentiation for different sub-layouts. I'm swamped with work these days and haven't gotten to it (I too use two variants of US on a regular basis), so if anyone else wants to make some and send them to me I'll happily include them in the package. It might work just to use "US" for the default layout and then add * or a subscript/superscript 2 after the US for all of the other layouts (since I suspect most of us are switching between default and one sub-layout).
What would I name the new .svg file? I thought it picked the .svg file by the country code name. USA and USA dvorak both have the same country code so both look for the same file called us.svg.
Nope. Just flat out doesn't work. When I log out and log back in, the icon is just replaced by a red error icon.
Hmmm . . . Where are you putting the flag images? They should be in ~/.icons/flags (as in the instructions above). Don't leave them in the folder that you decompress.
I never had a ~/.icons/flags folder, so I went and made one myself. I then extracted the set to the folder. Now, the two folders within the flags folder are called ubuntu-mono-dark-flags and ubuntu-mono-flags-light. Are you saying I should consolidate them into one big flags folder?
Just move all of the images from either ~/.icons/flags/ubuntu-mono-dark-flags or from ~/.icons/flags/ubuntu-mono-flags-light up to the parent folder ~/.icons/flags The problem here is that gnome doesn't distinguish icon themes for flags. So it won't look at any sub-folders in your ~/.icons/flags folder. It just uses the images it finds there. This means that if you change flag styles you need to manually copy the new flag images to the same folder: ~/.icons/flags Hope that helps!
Hey, that's great. Thanks a lot. P.S. It's interesting that there's an in.svg in mono-light but not in mono-dark.
Yes, it took me a while to get a full list of the language codes used in the notifier, so in my first two flag sets there are some missing. I'm planning to fill those sets out asap, but life has a way of getting in the way :)
Thanks but the Iran flag is missing1 The code is IR!
Hi I do all installation step correctly, but flags do not show. Can you help me?
Did you try logging out and then logging back in? Oddly I find this is necessary on my i386 laptop but not on my AMD64 desktop.
Addition logging out I restart my pc but not show also!
Oops! Someone pointed out a typo in my installation instructions. The flag images should be in ~/.icons/flags not in ~/.fonts/flags. My mistake. If you move the flags to the proper directory they should show up no problem.
Move flags folder from .fonts directory to .icons and problem was solved. But Persian language indicator does not exist in this pack. I create that but i don't know what to call it to be seen?
I've just uploaded another flag set (this time for ubuntu-mono-light) that should cover Persian. When I get a few minutes I'll update this set too, but I want to change the style a bit in the process. You can get the ubuntu-mono-light version at the new link above.
With GNOME 2.30.something on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid), I found that killing and restarting 'gnome-settings-manager' was the only thing that made the flags show up (short of logging out). First, press Alt + F2, then: killall gnome-settings-daemon <ENTER> then, Alt + F2 again and: gnome-settings-daemon <ENTER> I may have also changed the icon theme in there somewhere, but I think that restarting gnome-settings-daemon is actually what did the trick.
This is really cool, now my panel looks really nice... I use an english keyboard but also use Latinamerican distribution... But there is no icon there... And also i don't know the name of the file to apply latin american keyboard to make something with myself... You can help me and tell me the name of the icon that i need. This is awesome :D
I'm happy to add a flag for the Latin American Spanish keyboard, but I'm also having trouble figuring out what the code is for it. I've put out some feelers so we'll see whether someone else knows!
The friendly people at askubuntu.com pointed me the right direction and I've been able to add a flag for the Latin American layout. I gave it the text LA, although this isn't a formal language code. Enjoy!
Thanks for this! :D ... But im solved too much easy to change the keyboard layout to Spain, so is the same distribution... Anyway when im back to my home i try to make something. P.S.: I think that you need to talk with the Faenza creator because i think that this icons really need to be in the official package