Kalahari-Dark ChocoDarkOrange
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
These icons are based on the icons: Kalahari-Icons-Ubuntu
Artist: elgatonegro
Name: Mariano Ramon Gaudix
Icons : format SVG
Icons Compatible with MATE
Icons Compatible with GNOME 3.6
Icons Compatible with CINNAMON 1.6
Extract the tar.gz file anywhere.
Estrai il file tar.gz dove vuoi.
Go to your personal folder and allows viewing of hidden files.
Put the folders with icons in the hidden folder call .icons, create it if doesn't exist.
Vai nella tua cartella personale e visualizza i file nascosti.
Metti la cartella con le icone nella cartella nascosta chiamata .icons, creala se non esiste.
Access your icon theme manager, if Tweak Tool select the icon theme with it.
Version 2.5
- many improvements
Version 2.0
- many improvements
Version 1.0
Ratings & Comments
very nice theme
great work,thanks for sharing. Grazie:D
Grazie a te per averlo scaricato.
Ocean Sea . Great job !!! Thank you , by share your artwork .
Very nice, I think there is still a lot to improve it when I have time I'll do it. You on which distro have you tried? Ciao
Ubuntu , Linux Mint and SoluOS for now .