Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description: Shiny buttons. Modification Icon theme Square by EepSetiawan. In this theme there are also icons and others, they are listed in the index. There are all icons for programs from the repositories Debian 9-10-11-12, Debian Sid, Atrix, AntiX, MX Linux, Deepin, Solus, Antergos, Ubuntu 16.04-18.04-18.10-19.04-20.4-20.10-21.04-21.10-22.04-22.10-23.04-23.10-24.04, LinuxMint 18.1-19-20.0-20.1-20.2-20.3-21, Arch, Fedora 27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40, OpenMandriva Lx 3.0-4.0-4.2-4.3-5.0, PCLinuxOS, Rosa 2016.1, Rosa 2021.1 FRESH 12, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, OpenSUSE Leap 15.0-15.6, Manjaro, Mageia 7-7.1-8-9, Mageia Cauldron, CentOS 7-8-9, Astra Linux Orel, Smolensk 1.6-1.7.2- SE, ALT Linux Sisyphus p9-p10, Slackware 14.2-15, ARCHLabs, Puias, Scientific, Linux Lite, Chakra, Kaos, Mops, Calculate Linux, Gentoo, EndlessOS 3.5, GetDeb-PlayDeb, RPM Sphere, archive.ualinux, Sparkylinux, Bodhi, Backbox, Archstrike, FreeBSD 12-13-14-14, Peppermint 9, Kali, Parrot, OpenBSD 6.4-7.2-7.4, NetBSD-9-10, DragonFlyBSD, Red Hat 7.6, GosLinux IC3, Vine Linux, Trident, TrueOS, Garuda-linux, AlmaLinux 9, Rocky Linux 9, Void, Redos 7.3.3, okapps.oukan, Part Spark store, Devuan. 95% ppa launchpad for Ubuntu 4.10-24.04. Script to fix 16858 old icons and snap. 71056 icons in apps.
After switching on the download page click on the button to download. The Preview button is not working because it is a archive.
Блестящие пуговки. Модификация темы Square от EepSetiawan. В этой теме есть также иконки и других авторов, они указаны в index. После перехода на страницу для скачивания жмите на кнопку скачать. Кнопка просмотр не работает потому, что это архив.
Add AirMirror icon and open a repository for Fedora which is without a doubt the most beautiful package!!!!
As you change color folders, blue would be better!!!!
Why can not you use this theme in Xfce? You need to put the Shiny buttons folder in the Home folder, in .icons (in Thunar click - View - Show hidden files).
If you do not know how to install and apply themes, then look for guides on the Internet in your language. I can not help you. I do not speak English at all, I write everything only through translate.google.
If this icon theme is too large, you can delete all folders 64 and scalable. This will reduce the size of the theme in half, and it will still work.
I placed the folders in /usr/share/icons/ and couldn't find any of the Shiny Buttons in icons theme tab.
Also, I couldn't find .icons in home folder as a hidden directory.
Can you have a problem with the rights?
Try it in terminal
sudo chmod -R 777 '/usr/share/icons/Shiny buttons'
press Enter
enter your password
press Enter
wait until the process is complete.
Choose a theme and reboot the system.
На слабых компьютерах нужно обязательно создать icon-cache. Это ускорит его работу.
On slower computers it is necessary to create an icon-cache. This will speed up its work.
в терминале
in terminal
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/'Shiny buttons'/
gtk-update-icon-cache /home/***/.icons/'Shiny buttons'/
вместо *** имя вашего компьютера
instead of *** the name of your computer
This theme is great, just one minor issue: Since I'm currently playing Pillars of Eternity, I was pleasantly surprised to find icon for it available. But on the icon it says PoF instead of PoE.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
9 +
9 +
9 +beautiul
3 I guess it works if you have 10 icons or all app icons with that style but all - no sorry
I just discovered these icons and absolutely love them!!!
Add AirMirror icon and open a repository for Fedora which is without a doubt the most beautiful package!!!! As you change color folders, blue would be better!!!!
Added blue and green folders.
I really love the icons but I couldn't use them with my Xfce.
Why can not you use this theme in Xfce? You need to put the Shiny buttons folder in the Home folder, in .icons (in Thunar click - View - Show hidden files). If you do not know how to install and apply themes, then look for guides on the Internet in your language. I can not help you. I do not speak English at all, I write everything only through translate.google. If this icon theme is too large, you can delete all folders 64 and scalable. This will reduce the size of the theme in half, and it will still work.
I placed the folders in /usr/share/icons/ and couldn't find any of the Shiny Buttons in icons theme tab. Also, I couldn't find .icons in home folder as a hidden directory.
After unpacking the downloaded archive, you will see the folder Shiny buttons icon. Go into it and copy the Shiny buttons into /usr/share/icons
That's what I did. Didn't work.
Can you have a problem with the rights? Try it in terminal sudo chmod -R 777 '/usr/share/icons/Shiny buttons' press Enter enter your password press Enter wait until the process is complete. Choose a theme and reboot the system.
That solved my problem! Still wondering why the problem happens......'Cause it didn't happen to Faenza.
Отличная работа, молодец! Руки растут откуда положено.
Streamtuner,TigherVnc,OpenJdk Policy Tool missing
All these icons are in theme
Dvd95 Guvcview missing!!!!
Very nice work.
На слабых компьютерах нужно обязательно создать icon-cache. Это ускорит его работу. On slower computers it is necessary to create an icon-cache. This will speed up its work. в терминале in terminal sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/'Shiny buttons'/ или or gtk-update-icon-cache /home/***/.icons/'Shiny buttons'/ вместо *** имя вашего компьютера instead of *** the name of your computer
This theme is great, just one minor issue: Since I'm currently playing Pillars of Eternity, I was pleasantly surprised to find icon for it available. But on the icon it says PoF instead of PoE.
Fixed icon for Pillars of Eternity.
Wow, that was fast :D Thanks.