Just another Buuf Remix

Full Icon Themes

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This is just "another" buuf REmix.

I used several icons from other Buuf icon themes and I made myself a lot of new ones.

This icon theme were made for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Some icons are persistent, so you need to change it manually.

- Original icons were made by mattahan (http://mattahan.deviantart.com/)

- This theme is a Remix of the buuf theme made by fana-m

- Some icons came from Buuf-Deuce theme made by djaany

- New icons were made by me, downward.
Last changelog:

NEW: Just Another Buuf Remix, now has a PPA!!! Thanks to Umair from NoobsLab.com

Just Another Buuf Remix v1.5.7.3 NEW
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install buuf-remix-icons

Just Another Buuf Remix v2.9
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install buuf-icons

Here it is the Just Another Buff Remix theme's update from 2.9 to (I'm going from Ubuntu LTS to LTS veeeery slow, sorry)

This update came with a lot of changes...

- LibreOffice Icons
- Skype Icons
- Brand new Package mimetype Icon Set!!!
- New Distros icons added to places (more coming soon...)
- Icon theme hardly adapted to Unity (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
- A lot of apps icons added
- Some apps icons changed (i.e. Acrobat Reader)
- More and better weather icons (Thanks to OxayotlTheGreat)
- More categories added
- UbuntuOne's synchronization icons added
- New empathy icons added (Thanks to OxayotlTheGreat)
- New UbuntuOne icons
- Some icons added to status
- Two or three icons added to devices
- CrossOver Folder and Icon added (They must be changed manually)
- Office mimetype Icon Set were changed
- Some folders added


- Some icons don't change automatically (persistent icons) so you need change them manually
*Cairo Dock Open GL
*Image Scan!
*LRF Viewer
*Arista Transcorder
* Landscape
* xdiagnose
* Celtx
* CherryTree

CrossOver Folder and Icon: opt/cxoffice/share/icons

Other persistent Icons for Unity could be changed on:
Alternative on: /usr/share/applications (TERMINAL: sudo nautilus)

-Some pannel icons don't change automatically so you need change them manually
RadioTray Indicator: /usr/share/radiotray/images

- Ubuntu icon on the dash doesn't change automatically, so here's the path to change it manually

If you use GNOME classic, I strongly recommend to use Just Another buuf Remix

Ratings & Comments



Hi there, I first encountered buuf in Makulinux. Obviously, buff is a big tree with many branches. I like buuf a lot. Please don't abandon this great artwork and make it available for Cinnamon. Regards, Cinnamoner


Hi. I'm maintaining another Buuf icon theme, here : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Buuf?content=81153 I was wondering : did you based your theme directly on the one by fana-m, or on my updated version ? And which icons did you added ? I think we should collaborate here, so that we can improve both theme ;).


Hi, I just respond your message about 3 years later or so... sorry Answer: I based my theme directly on the one by fana-m And I'll be very glad to collaborate with you, making our buuf icon themes better.


Thank you for sharing your modified iconset. These are very nice indeed.

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.