Alpha-1 Icons theme.
Alfa-1 was originally a windowblinds theme created by MrSkope (Damian Strain) and for his personal use on windows. I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, i got permission from MrSkope (Damian Strain) and this is the result.

I have currently uploaded a standard black version and soon i will update the other colors.
Thanks and i hope you will enjoy the themes.
::Installation instructions::
Just download the tar.bz2, right click on a free place on your desktop and then choose "change background" from the up Menu then go to "themes" and just take it from your desktop into this window. This will install the icons.
To view your icons in root, just write this in your shell:
sudo ln -s /home/your_name/.icons /root/.icons
Ratings & Comments
I have seen that there is someone who likes to give negative vote without comment, even if the vote does not matter to me, I'd like to know what he did not like in this icon set so we can work together to give the best. Thanks
None of 3 links work for me, can you please upload again, or send me to email: Thank you!
I think you have a problem with your browser but i sent it to you by e-mail.
awesome dude..thanks!
Thanks you very much!
anoter amazing one by you! This is fantastic! thank you! Great work! :D <3
Thank you very much my friend! :) Naf
Very nice work !
Thank you very much. Naf
for this nice works!!!
thanks my friend.