I combined several themes, but the folders and mimetypes are based on footwork, wich I think that is a great work.
I have just completed this theme with hydroxygen, clearlooks, meliae and humanity panel icons.
I hope u like it.
Any comments are welcome.
I love to combine it with Sugar (specially darky one) gtk2 theme (amazing work!).
Wall: ocean seven @ deviant art
ps. Docky rocks.
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can you please tell me where i can get that cool wallpaper that you used from? ^_^ thanks in advance!
Great work, I love the folders. 1 question where is the start-here icon located? I want to switch it to the humanity version.
Hi, sorry but im in a rush: i'll do it very quikly. I really do not know where specifically is. I supose that it is in the same location than I wrote before, because it is a 24x24 icon. might in the apps folder (?). Anyway, I'm currently making a new version with some humanity icons updated and some bugs killed. I hope to finish it by the end of the week. (also you can try to look for the ubuntu menu icon name, since you downloaded it with a appropiate name -"start_here" or something maybe-, in the icon theme folder ~/.icons/Footwork Humanized 0,11/ or some place like that) (as soon as i can i will propoerly response to you) Thanks for comment
No worries. Great job
good job.
Thanks man :D
very very good your icon-set is fantastic
Hey very thanks man. I really appreciate it. :) However it is still too immature, there is a lot of work to do!!!. I 've identified some bugs, plus I want to add some fresh icons. I hope to be able to make it better during the next weeks. Thnaks again, it is very cool to read messeges like yours :D Rho
Looks good!! I like a lot the folders. greetings PD:Where i can find the wallpaper.
Hy, thanks a lot! (the folders are from the original footwork icon theme) The wall is from deviantart, just look for ocean seven's work, you will find a great photography portfolio. :D rho