Noir et Blanc
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Description:Noir et Blanc is a version of my own Noir Crystal http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Noir+Crystal?content=127581 but using original folder and disk drive icons by Pit-Tux.
The folder icons are purposely very pale, so if you are using a light background and/or GTK theme, then these probably are not the icons for you!
I have added a few new icons, using the originals by Pit-Tux as a guide/template, including a whole new mimetype icon set. Any icons I have created are to the credit of Pit-Tux, not mine.
Network and Browser icons by Lothar Grimme http://www.grafixport.org/ from his KDE icon theme Carpelinx.
Other resources I used were Human-O2 by Schollidesign http://schollidesign.deviantart.com/art/Human-O2-Iconset-105344123, and especially Oxygen-Refit by deviantdark http://deviantdark.deviantart.com/art/Oxygen-Refit-70199755.
Plus a couple of icons borrowed from MacOSX. (If I forgot to credit someone for their icons, then apologies - please jog my memory.)
Added new icons for Iceweasel, Icedove, Iceape, and Tomboy.
Ratings & Comments
You did great work. But could you please create a alternative version, using the BSD-Daemon instead of Tux? That would be even more great.
Hi there. Thanks very much! I'll try to do a BSD icon this week sometime - there are a number of alternative start-here icons in scalable/places, you'll have to use one of those until then!
The network animation doenst work. When I try to open a VPN it doesnt do the animation like other pack.... But this is one of the best icons I've seen
Thanks for the compliment. Re. Network, that's a little odd, can you let me know which version of Gnome and/or distro you're using?
I am using Ubuntu 10.04, and with wireless it does the animation, but with the Lan (eth0) doenst do the animation....
Really odd. It's fine on my Debian Squeeze, and my friend's Ubuntu Lucid. I'll have a think.
I can't replicate the bug (nor on my friend's Ubuntu machine). Is it a common 'feature' of all my themes, or just this one?
This theme is really nice, thx!
Nice collection ! good work !