Language Flags for Faenza and Elementary
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:I made these to solve the problem with the input language indicator menu in Ubuntu 10.10. It displays both a text label for the language and an annoying (and pointless) generic icon. After installing these images and activating flag display (see below) the text label disappears and you have a nice, compact language indicator that does not interrupt these monochrome icon themes.
To use the images, untar (expand) the downloaded file into the folder ~/.icons/flags. If there is no "flags" sub-folder just create it. Then you need to enable the display of flags for input languages in gconf:
1. Open gconf-editor (in Ubuntu type ALT-F2 to open the "run application" dialogue and then type "gconf-editor" without the quotes and press enter).
2. Navigate the folder tree to Desktop > Gnome > Peripherals > Keyboard > Indicator
3. Activate the check-box for "showFlags"
If you don't see the flag images right away just change your input language or switch icon themes to refresh the icons.
I've included a template file with the icon background in case others would like to create their own additional flags. I've used the new Ubuntu font (in bold) at either 84 pt or 78 pt (depending on the letter spacing) on the 128x128 scalable icons.
1.4 - fixed an error in the installation instructions (the files should be in a subfolder of "~/.icons" not "~/.fonts"). Also fixed the filename for the Arabic layout.
1.3 - Added LA (Latin American)
1.2 - Added UA (Ukranian) and fixed the character width on AR, TR, and RS.
1.1 - Added AR (Arabic), TR (Turkish), and RS (Serbian).
Ratings & Comments
Please add Thai icon. I love ur solution to get rid of that ugly keyboard icon so much. Many Thanks. :)
Never mind, I used ur template to create what I wanted already. Thx again.
Thanks for these great icon flags Ian. I noticed that there is a Fa flag but it dose not shows up in the indicator for the Persian language. just renamed that flag to "ir.svg" and now it works. I think ir comes from Iran.
I can't get AR flag (for Arabic) displayed. I have the US and TR (Turkey) showing fine. And FA (Persian, I assume?) is not also showing. Any ideas? And Scotti: just want to add that putting the flags folder under \icons worked for me, not under \fonts as you mention in your instructions.
Sorry. I've finally found the right list of layout abbreviations. I've fixed the filename for Arabic so that it should show up now. I'll look into Persian and get that fixed soon.
I've just uploaded another flag set (this time for ubuntu-mono-light) that should cover Persian. When I get a few minutes I'll update this set too, but I want to change the style a bit in the process. You can get the ubuntu-mono-light version at the new link above.
Add UA icon for Ukrainian.
Done. Ukranian is also included in the dark-panel version I just uploaded.
Great idea! Can we have RS please? Thanks!
Done. By the way, what language is RS?
Thank you very much :) It's Serbian.
Thanks for this lovely work! Can you add flags for Arabic and Turkish too?
Sure. What are the two-letter short forms for Arabic and Turkish? AR and TU?
Arabic is AR, and Turkish should be TR.. Thanks in advance!
This is really great! any chance for a version for dark panels?
I was thinking about doing some for dark panels, so your comment gives me another nudge. I'll see if I can get the time soon.
I opened us.svg with shotwell, -> enchance -> moved 'shadows' to the right and i quickly had an icon for dark panel. i saved it as 'us.png' and put it under ~/.icons/flags to get it work with the gnome language indicator in my 10.04 installation. Here is the result https://www.dropbox.com/s/0aa6fv4yosrriwb/panel.png and here are the us and greek icons. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhpekkiqi3hffim Scotti thanks for your flags set! Keep up ;)
I've just posted a dark panel version. The link is below. Enjoy!