Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:They should be a modern memory of the OS8/9 Icons by Apple.
Maybe somebody want to use them as base for his own or send me some Icons to complete the theme faster.
The Examples won`t be work in thememanager, just the ones n the screenshot are for this time the ONLY ones!
You can put them in an OSX-Icon theme, this looks not so bad for beginning.
All Icons are completely drawn by myself.
Ratings & Comments
Yes, this idea sounds good, we make it so ^_-
I used the colorfull Apple to provide the classic feeling, but I'll make all icons without too, its not everyone`s taste. Thanks for your Feedback.
My recommendation: Replace the colourful apples with Tux images, or maybe even distro-specific images. That way Mandriva users can see their star, Mint users can see their funny LM mint leaf, and so forth. Probably a lot of tedious (if not actually hard) work to do though, so it's just a thought I had on impulse, seeing the Apple logos :P
Afterthought: I should say that when I said "replace" I meant give people the choice :P. If people want their Apples, let them have them :P (Surely there are some exact replica enthusiasts).
It is a very promising start. Continue, please!
Take the apple icons off those things. I like the folder design a lot, but I'm totally not feeling the obvious OSX pieces.
And you won't feel them OS X pieces, because these icons resemble the ones of MacOS 8. My compliments to the author.
Now waiting for a System 7 theme... Great job!