FOOTWORK (Elementary - MonoLight)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:I'm here again with this compendium of my favorite icons. This is my first icon theme, now modified and upgraded. The theme was re-arranged and now fits with elementary icon theme.
I combined several themes in this work, but the folders and mimetypes are based on footwork, wich I think that is a great work (not mine by the way).
I have just completed footwork icons with elementary and mac4lin icon themes, and made the corresponding size and format customizations.
I hope u like it.
Any comments are welcome.
This theme does not depend on elementary, since it has all icons included in the pack.
You may also want to check the previous version (0.1). Basically the same icons, but adapted to humanity and claerlooks.
0.5 - current:
-Complete folder and mime icon resizing and svg transformation. No pngs. New download folder icon.
- Re arrangement, and minimal redesign for some icons
- hydroxygen, clearlooks, meliae and humanity panel icons removed.
0.1 - First release.
Humanity based. PNGs.
Ratings & Comments
I really like this icon set but since i don't have ubuntu i would like to replace the gnome menu button with something else. When going through the folders all of the icons that i would assume would be the gnome menu button are the elementary icon. I can't find that ubuntu one anywhere. could someone tell me what it is named or how to change it. thanks.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you so so much. Im very glad you like it. :DD Im currently working in a dark panel version. ;) Stay tunned!
Firsty, great icons! What is the firefox icon you've got on the right of your panel about? Is it just a launcher or does it have some kind of function? Thanks in advance
naaah... its just a launcher :P Yhanx for your comment, enjoy.
Is great for my isadora!
Im glad you like it. enjoy! :D
how did you get the bottom panel (im assuming is a panel...) to look the way it does??? its nice.
I'd like also to know about the bottom panel :)
Hy there, thanks for your comments. The bottom panel is.... AWN! yeah. I'm running the latest version, with an experimental style called "lucido". I will write an entry soon whit a howto. The new style is very stable by the way. Basically, check this. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/new-experimental-awn-build-is-beautiful.html ...Check my comment on omg if you get broken applets after installing. The most incredible and fantastic thing is that one can full customize the colors and effects under this new awn style. Chears!
"One of the major requirements to run older versions of Avant Window Navigator is a composited environment." I do not use Compiz because of VNC clipper works incorrectly with composite enabled.
I think that you should do some software upgrade. First of all, I use VLC as my primary video player, and showed no problem neither with awn nor with compiz. Running a lucid. Second, if you do not want to use compiz, you can enable the compisiting feature of metacity, and with that you will be ready to use a full featured awn. To enable search metacity in gconf-editor. I hope this helped you.
Hahaha! VNC is not VLC. VNC is for remote desktop, GL layer denies for checking screen changes... but it is another theme..
jajajajaja!!!! jajajaja! sorry for that man, hahah. fast reading.. what a dumb. jaja