Icon Theme Updater
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Summary
Icon Theme Updater is little python scripts which renews legacy icon themes so that they work on newer desktop programs. The goal of this scripts is to automate all tasks to update icon themes.
Icon Theme Updater uses icon-naming-utils http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library as a database, so it will work as long as icon-naming-utils is updated.
It also use 'another-icon-mapping.txt' included in this archive as an additional database, but it is a definitely incomplete work. If you have more information about how legacy icons were moved to new place, please report here.
Icon Theme Updater require icon-naming-utils and python-2.5.(It will work on python-2.6 too.) It currently doesn't work on python-3.0.
* Usage
Run iconup.py in the theme directory which you want to update, or pass the path to the directory as an argument.(you can specify multiple directories at once.)
[~]$ tar -zxf IconThemeUpdater-0.9.1.tar.gz
[~]$ IconThemeUpdater/iconup.py .icons/nuvola
will update "nuvola" theme installed in your home directory.
You may see some warning messages, but just ignore it as long as the renewed theme works. There is several option switches which you can find out by running with "--help" option.
* Icon Themes
You can get Icon Themes here.
Some legacy KDE Icon Themes may work on GTK+ applications and GNOME by this scripts.(such as Nuvola, Noia, etc...)
* Todo
- Add more entry to another-icon-mapping.txt
- Make it Python 3.0 compliant.
2009/02/22 - version 0.9.1
- "folder-saved-search" and "computer" of some icon themes was filled.
2009/02/11 - version 0.9.0
- Accept icon theme directories as command line arguments.
- Output message was improved and "--debug" option was added.
- Support for very old KDE icon theme (which has "index.kdetheme"
instead of "index.theme").
- Support for more icons themes. (OSX, Royal-Preview, Meliae, Aero, etc...)
- Many code rewritten.
- Some entries of another-icon-mapping.txt are added and corrected.
Ratings & Comments
Voted good.
Does this just create symbolic links? Does it only work with PNG icon sets or will it work with SVG as well?
It removes all existent symlinks, rename(or move) images(*.png, *.svg, *.icon, *.xpm) to new path, then recreate symlinks again based on it's database mentioned above. Please try with --verbose option and find out what happens after backing up your icon theme.(I love it!)
Win an internet. Excellent work! You've made my day.
Tried it with Suede 2 and Etiquette Icons from gnome-Art which I know to be broken and it works like a charm. It's going to be great being able to use some old icon themes again. Thanks a bunch.