Smokikons Flare
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Is not a "only scalable" theme.
If you downloaded from deviantart, extract the file, then extract it again. You can copy that folder to /home/youruser/.icons or you can compress it as a .tar.gz and drag and drop into appearence.
I'm sorry for this trouble, but it has to do with deviantart. If you find trouble installing, i'll be glad to help.
Thanks for downloading and please, enjoy >=D
I am thinking of getting rid of the grey boxes for the arrows in controls. I want to now what do you think about it.
I was offline for a while. This iconset is close to an STABLE release.
-Added every missing "actions" icon (except a few text ones). Released custom versions for ubuntu, arch, and general gnome.
-Added a few icons. Never released.
-Added a bunch of new icons, including a lot of mimetypes and fixed some symlinks.
-Added requested icons, opera, smplayer, etc. Shutdown is not working still, i'll fix that for the next version.
-Corrected a couple bugs, a few touches all around. Added several icons, including some mimetypes. Redid some icons. Changed again the sound icon.
v0.6 - Copied to deviantart.
- Corrected some icons.
- Added some icons, for example a new sound set for tha tray, and icons for rhythmbox playing and notplaying.
- Fixed minor bugs.
01/05/2009- First release on gnome look, v0.5 - Repaired broken link
Ratings & Comments
Hey just wanted to let you know that tons of links in your theme are dead. This happens with Nautilus linking. The links should be created with terminal, example "ln -sf firefox.png firefox-3.0.png" and so on. You wont be able to notice the broken links on your own system as the path is valid, but change user account or move the original icons location and you will see the problem.
Hi. Well thanks for the notice. I was not sure about releasing this update, since i am currently redoing all the symlinking. (By ln, not nautilus). For mere guide purposes, i merged gnome base iconset with Smokikons, to find out what symlinks and icons i was missing. So, i guess some of the pasted symlinks went to hell. Excuse this crappy release, please, and be patient, as i am currently working on it, as a full gnome icon theme.
Hey just wanted to let you know that tons of links in your theme are dead. This happens with Nautilus linking. The links should be created with terminal, example "ln -sf firefox.png firefox-3.0.png" and so on. You wont be able to notice the broken links on your own system as the path is valid, but change user account or move the original icons location and you will see the problem.
Love the idea, using them:) thx a lot
Is this normal that next/prev/back/forward/ evolution/firefox icons are not working?
Well, evolution's "new mail", "next mail"... etc should not work because the don't exist. But the forward and back buttons as well as the stop buttons work in my install. Keep in mid i always install the exact same tarball i upload. Also, firefox is working flawlessly in my pc, with nearly every icon working. So, check out if something is wrong there, because the should work. Also, i included most icons you requested, feel free to suggest more, but the obscure apps like gnomeradio ant tvtime, i could't find the right path so if they don't work just manually set them for now. I will install myself this apps, and correct, if necessary. Also, i am going to include the evolution controls, for version 0.9, as well as block screen and shutdown.
Hey, Yours icons are great, but i miss some.. Opera, Smplayer, Listen, Gnomeradio, TvTime, Nautilus, Power Off, Block Screen etc... Can it be done? Maybe You are planning to add those and more? Would be grat...
Ok, ok, i promise on the next update i'll add those you mentioned. I love wuen people participate. Not quite sure what Gnomeradio is, but i'll look it up. Also i already made a lot of mimetypes so, expect a nice update soon. Kind regards and thanks for your comment.
Gnomeradio is an app to listen FM radio on Your computer, If have TV/FM tuner on my computer:) and i can listen to local station :) ps. I think i havent seen an icon theme whit that icon made:P
well, i never tought this iconset could be liked for so many people, because it doesn't follow the conventional style. I'm glad so many of you downloaded it, the ones who liked it, and the ones who don't. Before voting bad, please, comment, tell me what you dislike. I don't care if it's just "I hate the icon theme fully". Well, celebrating this, i will Update this sunday. I have already remade over 13 icons, (including the volume icon v3 xD) and added mimetypes, and apps. I want to elevate this number up to 30ish. Thanks for your support! and please, do comment!
What's with the hate on this? It looks great, fills in a lot of holes from the original Smokikon.
haha... i blame some trouble i had last night with the links, they said "not found" tough the link was good. so, people instead of reporting it to me, voted down. Also, some people might aswell just hate it, and vote bad. Anyway, i'm glad you like it, last night when i got down 10% i looked at my desktop. And said... anyway, looks pretty decent for me. xD
nice. Keep it up.
I am a little of schedule since i misplaced my working folder and erased it, and now i need to start from the current version again. I have a couple good thing planned so don't lose fait, i'm on this still!
Looks very good on my Darklooks. Thanks. Hope you have time to finish the missing icons :)
Thanx, i will update a few sys icons and apps this week. I aprecciate the feedback very much. Any ideas are welcome.
hi im new to ubuntu and i need help to know where to put the files so i can use the icons
Just go to your top panel, System---->Preferences---->Appearance then drag and drop the file in the window that pops up. Then choose "Apply this theme" That should do it.
thx a lot for the help :)
Reminds me of a Pink Flyod album. :)
I think it has something to do with the band "Tool"... yet iam do not listen them, so, no idea. Remids me too of pink floyd or deep purple somehow... xD
Thanks. Do you remember where you got the wallpaper?
Sure! http://vhm-alex.deviantart.com/art/The-Patient-57032138 Tought no one liked that wall... i do think is awesome. Kind regards, feedback aprecciated!
Sorry for that, link is repaired now. Thanx and enjoy!
Great Job!!! Really!!! But sorry, the download didn't work. Why do you use this gruesome page?