Classy (all in one)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:With the suggestion of TheWiseDj, I took as an example of ffw (fast forward) project done by deusnova
http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ffw+%5Bfast+forward%5D?content=114431 to create the theme all in one and reduced to around 19.8 MB for a complete theme to in approximately 98%.
This is just beginning and I accept any suggestion, please download the theme and enjoy. Long life to open source.
:Installation instructions::
(First method)
Just download the tar.bz2, right click on a free place on your desktop and then choose "change background" from the up Menu then go to "themes" and just take it from your desktop into this window. This will install the icons and clean the cache by writing in shell:
rm ~/.icons/Classy/.icon-theme.cache
(Alternative method)
Download the iconset [Classy.tar.bz2] into your desktop, extract the archive via right click menu > extract here, then type in a terminal window:
username@your-pc:~$ cd Desktop
username@your-pc:~$ mv Classy ~/.icons
username@your-pc:~$ cd ~/.icons/Classy
Now you can start customizing your iconset the way you want. You'd find very useful the "customizing-instruction" text file.
Once you have applied your customizations, you can select the Classy iconset by going to: System > Preferences > Theme > Customize > Icons, then select Classy from the menu.
If you want to apply further customizations when the iconset is installed, you can try this:
username@your-pc:~$ cd ~/.icons/Classy
username@your-pc:~$ ./change-type.sh "the-command-you-want"
Once you have applied your further customizations, try to refresh the iconset, selecting another one from your list then re-select Classy and see if the changes have applied.
If it does not, you have to uninstall Classy iconset, selecting another iconset and typing this command:
username@your-pc:~$ sudo rm -rf ~/.icons/Classy
Then you have to repeat the whole procedure explained above.
To share your icons with root, just write this in your shell as root:
ln -s /home/your_name/.icons /root/.icons
21/07/2010 Several changes in actions
07/07/2010: Added trash icon to each type folder and much more.
03/07/2010: Small changes and new icons in applications.
Ratings & Comments
Nice icons. Thanks!
Thank you for your comment :D Naf
That is really fine work! Thank You.
Thank you very much for the feedback. Naf
Very nice icon theme for GNOME! but I have a one detail. In players like Clementine and Rhytmbox buttons Play, Stop, Next etc. don't look correctly. Maybe it's a artefact. Please, try to fix it. Thank you very much!
Thanks for reporting, but I checked everything before posting and still is ok but if you send me a screenshot, it helps me to better understand your problem. Thanks again :D Naf
hi there good job please give me another link for download. i dont access this link in iran. thanks a lot
I sent you a link in private message because I will not upgrade just because I have to add a link. The next update, I will take care of this problem that some links are not accessible from some countries. Thank you for the comment. Naf
good job
Thank you. Naf
The aesthetic - Creator Boom to linux Thank you
Thanks for your comment. Naf
Very nice work ! I like it !
Thank you my friend. Naf