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Old and Traditional Ubuntu 10.10 for nostalgists
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Available as/for:
Description:* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
1 Pling

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version v.5.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3
More Full Icon Themes from Magog64:
Other Full Icon Themes:
System Tags
An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.
If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.

Ratings & Comments
Hi Magog, the external link seems wrong, so it doesnt autoinstall or download. Can you try change the link to : https://github.com/Bonandry/my-od-collection/raw/master/icons/ubuntu-traditional.tar.gz
9 + I really miss this good and old icons theme! Good times! Too bad Canonical team ruined this beautiful icons theme, upgrading to 11.04 with Unity and Everaldo, that Brazilian icon designer, abandoned Canonical just after he accepted Apple offer for wage with a biggest money.
9 +
its beautiful theme. Can you make old gtk theme?
He is not a GTK prgrammer. He is just a graphic designer. I think he prefers updating and upgrading only Suru++ Ubuntu. Therefore, if he does not want, I will negotiate with him, saying that I would like to upgrade all his products if he allows, because I am a professional programmer in Linux.
I have redesigned this logo. Because OpenDesktop requires him to update the products informations as removing illegal symbols in the title, including the licence and updating the products' git source.
Beautiful, i keep using this icon theme! After having tried a 100+ icon themes, I keep returning to this peaceful beauty. Thanks.
The icons will be ugly in docky if the icon file doesnt reference the SVG (scalable) versions of the files. Bluriness will be most noticable when the icons scale (ie: you hover over them and they become bigger).
Keep up the great work!!!
Thanks rugbeeprop !!!
The bad is the icon for JDownloader and Chromium! http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8110/screenshotgk.png
I will as soon as possible What other icons you are missing?
The icons are very ugly in Docky! Otherwise good job. Thanks!
size is 35 in Doky http://upload.centerzone.it/images/99456780955978630301.png thanks for the post !!!
They are so smoooth... so soft... Love 'em. I'd opt also for a blue or turchese version... Any chance of creating them in another colour?
Thank You, mhogendoorn
Grazie a tutti, amici!!! Thanks all, friends!!!
Very good!! Thanks!
Thanks for the nice update :)
Just what I wanted. TY!
Very nice icons. One of the underrated icons in Gnome-look.org IMO.
Thank you so much !! :)
Love this theme. Works well with both dark and light GTK themes, good looking without being too flashy.
Though I prefer the original version Magog White. I hope you are going to update it as well (there are a few icons missing on GNOME 2.30)?
what about a screenshot?? Please let us see, what you created. Greetings Karmicbastler