Crystal Diamond is a wonderful and realistic theme for Gnome. I take the best icons from Oxygen Icons, Crystal Project, Realistik, Vista Ispirate, Nuove XT, Crystal Clear, OSX and many other and I made this Icon Theme. The icons are not mine! I simply take the best icons (for me) and made this pack!
Oxygen Icons are created by Oxygen Team (many thank you men!), Vista Inspirate is created by Saki, Crystal Clear/Crystal Project is created by Everaldo, Nuove XT is created by Saki, OsX is created by kiddo.
t's the first release so please, let me know if there are bugs and if you like it or not!
I test this pack on ubuntu 8.10

if you appreciate my work please support me! :-)
Ratings & Comments
before than anything else, congratulations!!! great theme is it a pack or software available to customize my theme based on your great collection of icons, for example to change "emesene" default theme icon for other of your collection???
I'm not able to get the package installed. Running LM Felicia, extracted package file to /usr/share/icons. When I go into preferences > appearance > customize > icons, there is no option to select the new icons. Haven't been able to find any info anywhere else thats helped, any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm still pretty new to LM. Thanks.
Whoops, nevermind, got it figured out!
I can`t connect to Pleas upload the file on an another mirror.
Panel icons seem to be too much bigger than needed...a quickfix?
I don' understand what you mean... can you make a screenshot? Thank you! :)
Well. This is my screenshot. As you can see the icons are too big. They should be 24x24 but they are not. Link:
that's ok I'll fix it tomorrow! ;)
new mirror online :)
Mediafire works, divshare no :( I upload on another mirror! :)
try downloading from mirror1 (mediafire). Mirror2 (divshare) requires registration.
The down load links are both dead. Yo may want to try uploading these to so others can download them.