Discovery Icon Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:[...] There is one thing that annoys me, and that’s Ubuntu’s default look, openSUSE looks great from the start. Now Lapo did a great job on the Tangerine icons, but they were still a bit too “dark” for my taste. So I thought why not try to make a theme myself?
Some idea’s I came up with what the theme should be about, without losing the “Ubuntu Feel” : Jungle, Safari, Survival, Classical.
Here’s a preview of the large icons in the theme so far. [...]
0.0.1: Initial release.
0.0.2: A lot more icons added.
0.0.3: Arrows, magnifying glasses and more.
0.0.4: 16x16: arrows 24x24: disk-hardrive, disk-removable, edit-undo, edit-redo, edit-find-replace, document-save, document-save-as
0.0.5: Lot's of style updates, small sizes additions
Ratings & Comments
Congrats Hylke!
In the icon themes list your theme doesn't have a preview. If I click on the theme I can see two images, but in the list it seems that your theme doesn't have a preview. Fix it :) and good work
hey, could someone tell how to install the icons?? thx
very nice icon theme, I've been using it exclusively for the past few months now ... I do have to admit though that I preferred the bright orange folder icons you had in 0.0.4. Any chance they'll come back?
I'm still experimenting. But it's easy to get the older folders and add them to the newest release :)
Really nice... Continue with the development, this is really beautifully!
This is my favorite orange icon set.
I love this theme - it shows a lot of potential. I've spotted a small bug though. The bin icons aren't the same... http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/3553/discbinmi4.jpg
This is a great set of icons, thanks so much.
Let's see, another orange theme. Let me guess, for Ubuntu? Figures.
Brilliant set of icons !
tryin' now
really great icon set, it is possible to modify it and remove the icons with the ubuntu logo so that it can be used with every distro? Thanks ^^
just edit 22x22/places/start-here.png and 24x24/places/start-here.png
This icon set is the best I have ever used... Amazing job man, I think ununtu could definately include this as a main theme, this is some polished professional High Quality stuff. This is the first Icon set ever to replace straight tango/tangerine for me. The best is just the overall polish, no crappy blurry icons in menus like a lot of themes (That REALLY bothers me!) every icon is sharp and good quality, great stuff.
Once these icons mature they should be considered for inclusion in ubuntu as an alternate by default. I have a personal request for one icon: could you please update the Bookmarks icon? It's the icon under Places menu in GNOME. When you have many places bookmarked that they wont fit in the menu, this icon shows as a submenu to places so you can navigage your bookmarks. P.S. Accessories and Help icon are identical in .2 release
I forgot to mention that I find one of the main strengths of these icons is that they define the icon boundaries correctly through a darker more pronounced border separation. There are many icon themes that neglect this idea and the icons gets lost in the GTK color as the icon boundaries are fuzzy to the eye (specially smaller icons)
Good luck !
Those icons look very polished, and the whole thematic is good to. Looking forward to it! Success!
it's been a while since finding a decent icon theme and you're doing one hell of an amazing job, if I may say so! Please keep up the great work!
you know that the ubuntu team wants to find /make a completely new icon theme for hardy?! i think this one is a create candidate! please keep it and get in contact with the ubuntu artwork team! what do you think?
+1 to this suggestion if you go check out the art mailing list ( https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art) you'll see that they're doing a new icon set you should send a message :)