CrashBit (Fedora/Ubuntu)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Crashbit is an Icon Theme for Gnome Desktop Environment. Inspired in Snowish and Macesque, but using Gnome Icons.
Designed for Fedora Linux 9 and SUSE.
Comments/Suggestion welcome
Please! Tell me which Icon Apps should be included in Final Release.
(5 - Sep - 200
Ver. 0.8.4 "Beta 2"
- Add new and redesigned mimetypes.
- New Categories icons.
- Released Ubuntu Edition.
- Compatible with Gnome Menu Extended v0.8.3
(12 - Aug - 200
Ver. 0.8.2
- Minor Update.
(06 - Aug - 200
Ver. 0.8.1
- Add more Action icons.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Released Fedora Edition.
(31 - May - 200
Ver. 0.8.0 "Beta 1"
- Major Update.
- Redesign icons, non Tango Guidelines.
- New Colour Palette focus on Fedora, SUSE and Debian.
- New icons for Devices (Computer, printer, etc)
- New icons for Mimetypes.
- New OpenOffice icons.
- More...
Ratings & Comments
9 Followed the link you provided but... Something appears to be missing… The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire. Also tried http://www.megaupload.com/?d=80N3ZM4Z but that's vanished too. Really wish you guys would stop linking off site as many files get lost to the ether! I understand lightening the load but it really doesn't help when files go missing. Could someone link me please?
Please don't let the Mashup guy loot this work, give it an update that will outdo any other icon set once again.
I would really love an update to this nice icon theme and I think alot of other people would too.
Thank you for your great icons set!
Congratulation for the great work! =) Can u make a "dark theme" variation? With dark themes (like shiki-colors or dust) some icons don't match (like mediaplayers' commands in tray). And please change Firefox orange globe, it really sucks =P (and doesn't match with normal/fedora version)
This is the best icon theme ever. But there's a bug in ubuntu intrepid: icons on bookmarks are displayed as the default gnome icons! Also some other apps seem not to display it properly. It's a pity, can you make an update?
you should make some different colors like, black,green,cyan,blue,white,Grey,orange. i already love these i cons only if you had them in different colors
Hi, beautiful theme, these are some missing icons: exaile, gconf editor, deluge, amule, amsn, gnome do, vlc. You should include KDE icons too like in the oxygen refit theme: that theme is great because it covers really every icon on the system!
Vote: 80-85%
Can anybody send me the "old" version of this theme (the one with tango guidelines). I preferred it. Thanks
i agree, the new folders look far too saturated for my taste
Enjoy: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=80N3ZM4Z FTR, I prefer the older tango-ish Crashbit set too.
Hi! Could you add icons for the following type of files (for next version) please? ODT, ODS, PPT, DOC, PDF, PHP... This would be nice! Thanks, kind regards
Was it integrated into normal edition?
Cannot download from that url. Please provide a new site!
I can confirm that the link is broken. Please update the link, this icon theme is awesome... Thx.
Could you pleade add a mirror site for download? Somehow I can't access to current one.
How can I change the foot icon for my Ubuntu Logo? Nice theme!
IMHO some what darker boarders will improve visibility of the icons...
Why not keep the ubuntu menu icon for Ubuntu users? With previous versions of the icon theme, it was that horrible yellow gnome foot icon, and now another strange one. It would be very kind to let the users keep the original Ubuntu one. Apart from this odd point, the theme is really perfect, which frustates me even more of these menu icons.
Thank you for your amazing work. Sharing so much talent is truly commendable. Keep up the good work. voted "Good".
Would you please add a system tray icons for "stardict" the dictionary application ,the current icons are ugly and dose not fit with the rest or the gnome panel because of its background so if you used the transparent panel option you can notice it like in this screenshot : http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/5605/stardictscreenshotip9.png It will be great if you can make new icons for it. Thanks & Best regards
how can i make them appear with different colors?
Hi. You could try to make icons for evolution and file-roller. I love this icons set.