Slyd Icons was originally a windowblinds theme created by Mr AzizNatour for his personal use on windows. I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, i got permission from Mr AzizNatour and this is the result.
Thanks and i hope you will enjoy the themes.
::Installation instructions::
Download the file, extract the tar.bz2 from the zip and place on your desktop, right click on a free place on your desktop and then choose "change background" from the up Menu then go to "themes" and just take it from your desktop into this window. This will install the icons and clean the cache by writing in shell: rm ~/.icons/Slyd/.icon-theme.cache
To share your icons with root, just write this in your shell as root: ln -s /home/your_name/.icons /root/.iconsLast changelog:
1.1: Several changes. 1.2: More changes and add new icons. 1.3: Global Changes
Ratings & Comments
Very nice design, thanks.:)
You are welcome... I'm glad you like it :D
Slyd, Classy, XIII... Great jobs.
Many thanks buddy :D Naf
Many thanks.
exactly what i was looking for!
nice,nice & nice!!! THX
Thank you very much my friend.