
Full Icon Themes

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This is an extensive set of icon themes based on GNOME and Tango, with some inspiration from Human, Tango Generator, Elementary, and other open source projects. The project's goal is to integrate closely with gnome-icon-theme, while greatly expanding its available icons and allowing users to choose from 7 completely different and unique color schemes. With the additional source pack, an unlimited number of complete color variations can be rebuilt from source.

The icons and their color schemes are designed to complement my Shiki-Colors GTK Themes and their additional artwork.

There are 7 color variations: Brave (Blue), Wise (Green), Human (Orange), Noble (Purple), Wine (Red), Dust (Chocolate) and Illustrious (Pink).

GNOME-Colors consistently themes 99% of default icons + 1000's more in almost every popular linux distribution. Every single icon included in the set is drawn perfectly at each and all sizes, so you will never have to see a blurry icon ever again!

Important, must read or clowns will eat you:
* To install, drag and drop the .tar.gz file into GNOME's Appearance Preferences, or extract it and copy the gnome-* folders to /usr/share/icons as administrator (i.e. sudo nautilus /usr/share/icons in Ubuntu). The gnome-colors-common folder is a required dependency. You MUST install it in order for all the icon sets to work correctly.

* You may alternately use the included Makefile for system-wide installation, just type make install as administrator or make user-install for per-user installation. For more options, type make help.

* You may want to install the 'extras-gnome-colors' package for extra icon themes (Liferea, Comix, Exaile, etc.) by following the instructions in the readme.

* If you installed the icons through the appearance preferences, for the icons to theme root/admin applications in Ubuntu, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.icons /root

* In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation and upgrades. For Ubuntu Karmic Koala, you can simply run apt-get install gnome-colors to install from Ubuntu's universe repositories. The packages are also available in Debian Sid.

* Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests, SVN and more downloads:

* Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section.
Last changelog:

GNOME-Colors depends on the package "gnome-icon-theme". If you don't use GNOME, make sure you have it!

5.5.1 (2009-10-2
* Add icons for Empathy.
* Add better support for Ubuntu Karmic's panel applets.
* Minor updates and clean-ups on some icons.

5.5 (2009-09-25)
* New, redesigned folders!
* Add folder-xdg icons for Karmic/GNOME 2.28.
* Add some new icons/update others for better Karmic support.
* Minor bugfixes.

It's very recommended to remove any existing version before upgrading!

You MUST install "gnome-colors-common" as well! otherwise you'll have a broken icon set and clowns will eat you.

Ratings & Comments



10 10 the best


Where is the file responsible for the information on which colors are assigned to which directories?


I like this theme on Ubuntu. This icon package needs an update.


So seriously... has perfectska04 died? I remember a time when he was gnome-look's reigning supreme badass. I hope he's not switched to windows. We miss you perfectska04. Please come back.


I've been using this for a long time, and I'd like to know if you are planning to add better support for lucid, the memenu and etc.


what about a monochrome-panel in this too?


Where can I get old versions (older than 3.8.9) of GNOME-Colors? I want them for Firefox and Thunderbird icons that were kicked out from any newer versions. There is no older than current version on GNOME-Colors at Google Code or Devianart.


The Slackware repository points to an old download of GNOME Colors which shipped with the logo you're looking for:


colour theme of winXP for gnome-colors-src --- цветовая тема winXP для gnome-colors-src Quote:

Name=GNOME-XP Distribution=gnome-colors-extras Alternatives=Folder Actions LightFolderBase=#99CDFF LightBase=#3E99DF MediumBase=#0066CB DarkStroke=#003399 #папки. Folder_Files=actions/add-folder-to-archive.png actions/document-open.png actions/folder-copy.png actions/folder-move.png actions/folder-new.png places/folder.png places/folder-documents.png places/folder-downloads.png places/folder-music.png places/folder-pictures.png places/folder-publicshare.png places/folder-videos.png places/folder-remote.png places/folder-saved-search.png places/user-home.png status/folder-open.png Folder_LightFolderBase=#FFF6A0 Folder_LightBase=#CC9900 Folder_MediumBase=#E6AA2B Folder_DarkStroke=#836317 #стрелки. Actions_Files=actions/go-bottom.png actions/go-down.png actions/go-first.png actions/go-jump.png actions/go-last.png actions/go-next.png actions/go-previous.png actions/go-top.png actions/go-up.png Actions_LightFolderBase=#9AFE66 Actions_LightBase=#67CB33 Actions_MediumBase=#009900 Actions_DarkStroke=#006600


With the new beta status of Google Chrome, the web browser is probably considered a major program for Linux now. Do you think you could add a Google Chrome icon? Here's a nice one that I found:


I wish I could upvote this more than once. I use it both on my desktop and on my netbook. AWESOME!


I'm glad they're of use to you, enjoy the icons! Feel free to make your own color variations with the source pack as well.


I've added a link from my Ironman theme. Your gnome-wine icon set goes great with Ironman :-)


This is a beautiful icon collection! I'm using a few of them with themes that I have made. Thanks!


Thanks, enjoy!


It has been mentioned before, but I really want to see Lock screen themes, because I feel they could really contribute to the feel of completeness you are going for. I am using the theme from the repositories, and loving it. Cheers


There is no way to graphically configure or theme the lock screen, so I doubt there will be official lock screens until this is possible. Unofficial ones are welcome, in fact, I think there are already some in gnome-look based on arc-colors.


Ah, you see, but there is. You can put the theme in a folder in /usr/share, and then you can choose the theme with the gconfig editor. Granted, it isn't the easiest way, but it isn't impossible.


Yes, that would work for manual installation, where the user is fully aware of the contents and the website provides proper instructions. However, for packaging, providing artwork that has no means of being enabled, listing or previewing the contents intuitively is often a bad idea. I know it's not exactly impossible, but it is unknown to most users. Installing, for example, a lock screen package through apt-get because it is suggested by gnome-colors should not require searching the internet for the knowledge necessary to begin using it. That said, third party lock screens are welcome. I just don't want to release something official that I wouldn't be able to support properly.


These look great, and thanks also for your continued support on this forum!


Talking about emblems, how do you manage to make them beeing "attached" to the folder instead on the top of it (i hope I describe in the right way). I would like to extend this way of using the emblems to other icon set. :)


This happens with the usage of .icon files. You'll see that most of the icons that support emblems have a similarly named file next to them, with the .icon extension. This file specifies how emblems are attached for each icon that can support emblems, in each size. If you want this to happen for other icon sets, just copy or create .icon files for each icon you plan to use emblems on. Also, depending on the size of the icon (16px, 22/24, 32/scalable) the .icon file will need different values.


Thank you for the answer! Indeed I thought that was the right workround, but I realized it wasn't working with all icon set, so I guessed there was something else to do. Probably it's a matter of finding the right parameter for the various files...


The New Folders look really fantastic while at the same time they look very different .. they look like they have designers hands all over them !! Maybe they will be the perfect folders for Lucid !! Also the "printed" emblems for the new feature in Karmic look fantastic as well !! Top marks for you perfectska04 !!


Thanks. The new folders are mostly the old ones, with cleaner lines, a little transparency and smoother gradients. It should be familiar enough, yet the improved contrast makes it fit better with the aluminium look other icons in the theme have. As for the printed emblems, they're still a work in progress... some of them could be improved a lot still. I think this style is better than just pasting an emblem on top of the folder icons.

0 Affiliates
version 5.5.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 13

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.