elementary Icons
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This release is loaded will all kinds of whoopass. This is that next level that shows why elementary is different from the competition. More and better monochromes, more and better mimetypes, more and better apps. Not to mention this release marks the start of an effort to have every icon from 16px to 128px
As always, Donations much appreciated.
Inspect the PPA here: https://code.launchpad.net/~elementaryart
Officially Tested on:
Ubuntu 10.04 - GNOME
elementary Monochrome DOES NOT WORK ON DARK PANELS
+ More icons in more sizes!
+ Increased rendering performance of some icons.
+ Merged in a lot of changes from Humanity.
+ enhanced monochrome icon set!
+ Symlink fixes.
+ Better Mimes.
+ Better Apps.
+ More icons in more sizes!
+ Increased rendering performance of some icons.
+ Merged in a lot of changes from Humanity.
+ New monochrome icon set!
+ Way more 32px icons.
+ Symlink fixes.
+ Better Mimes.
+ Better Apps.
+ More beautiful colors.
+ Filesize optimizations.
+ Complete refresh of mimes.
+ Increased rendering performance of some icons.
+ Improved visual consistency.
+ Even better Apps.
+ Symlink fixes.
+ More 32px and 24px icons.
+ New Emblems.
+ Better 48px GPM icons.
+ More Devices.
+ Dramatically Reduced file size (again)
+ Complete Visual refresh of folders.
+ Increased icon rendering performance
+ Improved visual consistency
+ Major enhancements to Apps
+ New notification icons
+ New Package icons
+ New Mime types
+ More icons in small sizes
+ Symlink fixes
+ Reduced file size by almost half.
+ Small visual refresh including folder color
+ Increased icon rendering performance by (in some cases) up to 400x
+ Improved visual consistency
+ Re-included Debian binary
+ Major re-design and revision of entire icon set.
+ Majorly reduced file size
+ Increased standards compliance
+ Tons of new 24x24 and 16x16 icons
+ Minor revisions here and there
+ new Debian binary!
+ complete revision of actions
+ complete revision of places
+ complete revision of mimetypes
+ minor misc revisions
+ removed icons already inherited from GNOME
+ removed many 256x256 icons
+ linking fixes
+ updated wireless icons
+ removed tango icons
+ greater adhesion to naming specs
+ greater compliance with GNOME HIG
+ replaced PNG's with SVG's
+ revision to apps
+ revision to actions
+ revision to places
+ minor revision to status
+fixed bug with network manager
+various bug fixes
+revised log out icon
+new pidgin icon
+stricter adhesion to Tango naming spec
+ Major revision to actions including stricter adhesion to elementary standards and GNOME HIG.
+ polished off wifi signal icons.
+ numerous small bugfixes.
+ revised small folder icons.
+ new media player icons.
+ stricter adhesion to the Tango naming specification.
+ new refresh button
+ wifi signal icons
+ alternate folder colors
+ 7zip icons
+ MS Word mimes
+ extensive linking to reduce file size
+ revisions to mimetypes
+ bug fixes
+ additions to apps and actions
+ more HIG compliance
+ fixed some issues with mint menu
+ fixed some consistency issues
+ done away with size hacks
+ less tango
+ more Human
+ fixed some consistency issues
+ more HIG compliance
+ revisions to apps
+ revisions to mimetypes
+ revisions to actions
+ revisions to places
+ added elementary extras
2/08 (v1.2)
+ work towards GNOME HIG compliance
+ major revisions to devices
+ major revisions to apps
+ major revisions to mimetypes
+ major revisions to actions
+ major revisions to places
1/08 (v0.9.1.
+ fixed evolution bug
+ major revision of all folders
+ fixed rhythmbox "bug"
+ fixed resolution issue with menu entries
+ added small (standard size) theme
+ No more warning messages when starting GTK apps from Terminal.
+ fixed inconsistency with trash icon.
Ratings & Comments
muy bonitos
muy chulos
Hi, I love the icons but I'd really like to choose different distributor icons, like GNOME foot, Debian swirl, Ubuntu circle, etc. Are any such included (all I can see is the e for elemantary) and if not, do you have any plans on making them (to fit the rest of the theme)? Again, great job on the icons and I hope to see further work on this. I'm willing to donate (and I also wanna check out the elementary OS when I have the time). Props!
how can i get this icons to work in xfce? i'm in slackware current using xfce and the icons look like this: http://img535.imageshack.us/i/snapshot2z.png i leave a snapshot, i hope somebody can help me.
Hi, I really like this icon set. GREAT WORK, but the icons in the panel bar / notification area is not black for some reason. Do you know why? Pidgin, compiz, gnomedo and the soundbar volume meter is "normal" colored icons. Thanks.
Hi, great work on that theme, the nicest I ever seen ! I just miss a lyx document icon, to distinguish them from odt or rtf files. It would be fine if you could add one. Anyway, thanks for all you've already done. Regards, Denis
Hey Denis, if you could file a bug in launchpad it will be harder for me to forget :P https://launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bugs
Done ! (with also a request for an rtf file icon)
Hi buddy, Can you fix this small bug in Rythmbox ? Please have a look at the screenshot for more details http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae280/jasonvoorheeszzz/Screenshot-13.png
I need help. For some reason every time I download I get icons that are just blue--nothing like what it is shown. I'm a noob to Linux, so a basic installation guide or anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Can you post a picture of the problem? I'm not sure I understand what is happening :p If you can, click this link to chat with someone on our team http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=elementary&uio=MT1mYWxzZSY5PXRydWUmMTE9MjE1c0
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=6d08cc3fe8&view=att&th=1291b3bd51813507&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_ga7qh0t40&zw I don't know if that will work.
wow, those monos look so great :) only i'm missing one for ibus. i know, hardly anyone is using it, but i always have it in my panel, because i have to type in japanese from time to time. ... just a request ... maybe ... if you have time ... ;)
I have recommended your iconset as a default iconset to my friends, but now they can't download the package because the link's broken. Can you fix it as soon as possible?
The link seems to still work for me, can you try again?
Now it's working...but I shure that it didn't on weekend. Thanks for reply.
The monochrome icons in 2.4 rock very hard, but the indicator applet takes too much space. There is a lot of padding around the icons, I think we could do with less. Somehow the Ubuntu Mono theme manages to make things more compact, maybe it would be beneficial to study what their padding values are. Otherwise, I'm happy :)
This is related to your GTK theme, not the icon theme ;)
Oh! Thanks, indeed seems so. I'm using eGTK, need to complain on that one. :)
hehe, too late. I fixed it already :p
fixed!! i tried the latest version in elementary art-ppa, it isn't fixed yet, also the ugly rectangle separating view pane and side pane in nautilus isn't fixed. Can you give the link to the awesome fixed egtk theme :)
ah, no Its fixed in BZR. So you have to pull from our branch in launchpad. you can do this by opening terminal and typing "bzr branch lp:egtk"
wow...thats gd to hear, but the sad thing is im behind proxy and bzr doenst work behind proxy :(, i will wait for its release, if possible can u provide a download link or mail me elementary rules.....
I think that I am trying to reach something you have already done, Really thanks for your efforts.
Love your work. Since I came across your icons (as well as your GTK and Metacity themes), I have barely switched icon themes at all, and I always come back to yours. I realize you're getting all sorts of requests for more - which is certainly evidence of the popularity of your work. None the less, I would still like to know if you are planning on including status icons (aka "tray icons") for any of the more popular applications, such as Rhythmbox and Transmission, in future releases. Seeing how well this has been implemented in the latest updates to the Humanity icon set, I'd love to see the same in elementary. Keep up the good work!