Hy there.
Instalación y notas en español: http://seekngeek.blogspot.com/
Why I did this?
Since LibreOffice icons are really ugly and does NOT match with ANY MODERN desktop environment, I thought that making a mod using minimal style (based on Faenza monochrome icons only) could be usefull for custom fans.
This is originally made for Linux sistems (I tested in Ubuntu only) but I supose that should work in other platforms.
Based and inspired on Kado20es work (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=libreoffice#/d3ivxbc), I modified some faenza icons, and adapted them to libreoffice functions. All credits go to Faenza creators. Only minimal mods and collages made to that icons in this theme.
Hope you like it. This is the first version. L.O. Calc is in progress.
Warning: the installation will temporary disable an existent style of LibreOffice (Crystal, by default) because the mod is based on one of the five avalaible themes. Sadly, no additional styles can be added to libreoffice, so I have to sacrifice one of the them in order to make the mod work. My favourites were human and tango... and allways hated Crystal, so my choice was just wipe it out by default

Note1: Only big icons will work properly, for now.

How to install (UBUNTU ONLY) V2:
1) Close Libreoffice.
2) Open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-crystal
Note: super user password required. This will install the theme that will be modified.
3) Once install finished, download the file puclished in here.
4) Copy the file to your Home folder. For example: /home/rho/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip
5) rename the file to images_crystal.zip in your home folder.
6) you can run the following command to do that:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images_crystal.zip
7) Now backup the original Crystal theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_crystal.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_cristal.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images_crystal.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_crystal.zip
Note: super user password required. This will replace the original theme by the mod.

Note2: As I said, this mod sacrifices the Crystal theme. Sorry. Original Crystal theme will be backed up in the L.O. system folders as "images_cristal.orig.zip", and can not be used while this mod is active. If you want your Crystal style back, just erase the file named "/usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_crystal.zip" and rename the former into the original name.
...if you want to change the theme to be replaced, do this:
...:::Replacing Oxygen:::... (replace the above instructions for this ones

2) Open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-oxygen
6) run:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images_oxygen.zip
7) Now backup the original Oxygen theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_oxygen.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_oxygen.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images_oxygen.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_oxygen.zip
...:::Replacing Human:::... (replace the above instructions for this ones

2) Open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-human
6) run:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images_human.zip
7) Now backup the original human theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_human.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_human.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images_human.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_human.zip
...:::Replacing Tango:::... (replace the above instructions for this ones

2) Open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-tango
6) run:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images_tango.zip
7) Now backup the original tango theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_tango.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_tango.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images_tango.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images_tango.zip
...:::Replacing Galaxy:::... (replace the above instructions for this ones

2) Open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-galaxy
6) run:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images.zip
7) Now backup the original galaxy theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images.zip /usr/share/libreoffice/basis-link/share/config/images.zip
(note: assuming that you installed by .deb available in LO web. If you compiled the software, you'll probably know that you have to replace the install dir used in this tutorials for the one that you are using)
(note2: this will replace the default theme, because I assume that you didn't installed other themes / you couldn't install other themes)
Warning: this will modify the original “Galaxy theme”. Please follow this instructions. After download in your home folder...
6) run:
mv ~/libreoffice_faenzaMOD.zip ~/images.zip
For LibreOffice 3.4
7) Backup the original theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/config/images.zip /opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/config/images_cristal.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images.zip /opt/libreoffice3.4/basis3.4/share/config/images.zip
Note: super user password required. This will replace the original theme by the mod.
For LibreOffice 3.3 (no ppa version, only via .deb@web or manual .tar.gz install)
7) Backup the original theme and apply the mod by introducing this in a terminal:
sudo mv /opt/libreoffice3.3/basis3.3/share/config/images.zip /opt/libreoffice3.3/basis3.3/share/config/images_cristal.orig.zip && sudo mv ~/images.zip /opt/libreoffice3.3/basis3.3/share/config/images.zip
Note: super user password required. This will replace the original theme by the mod.
In DeviantArt: http://underboy.deviantart.com/#/d3lhrxx
In spanish:
Ratings & Comments
Hola Rho Kun He instalado los iconos Faenza en LibreOffice 4.0.0 Hice algunos ajustes y funcionan bien. Aquí está mi guía. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+Icons++for+LibreOffice++4.0.0?content=157970 Saludos cordiales. Mariano Desde Rió Cuarto ( Cordoba )
Hello I installed icons Faenza in LibreOffice 4.0.0 I made some adjustments and work well . Here is my guide. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+Icons++for+LibreOffice++4.0.0?content=157970 Best Regards . Mariano
This is still broken. Any change of an update for the currently stable 3.6 LO and the upcoming 4.0 release?
the icons are not shown in LO on ubuntu. i followed your instructions and triple checked file name, directory path, and file permissions.
Yes, actually you're right. The pack needs to be updated with a MAJOR update. I'been working on it, however, I'm preparing myself for an important exam, and I wont be able to make it before june, 10th. Sorry for the incoveniences, but since I'm also interested in make this work properly, sooner or later I will get the upgrade done. I'll have to ask all of you to be patient for a little bit more. Sorry again, :) Cheers!
we will wait, thank you for you work, anyway :)
Hello I installed icons Faenza in LibreOffice 4.0.0 I made some adjustments and work well . Here is my guide. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+Icons++for+LibreOffice++4.0.0?content=157970 Best Regards . Mariano
Hi, first of all, thanks for making this fantastic icons! Unfortunately, I wanted to install them, but I couldn't find the images_crystal.zip (or images_oxygen.zip) file . I have kubuntu 12.04 and LibreOffice version the only .zip I have at /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/ is images_brand.zip. Shall I replace this file? it's empty... Can somebody help me? thanks! o.
Hi, in order to find the package you need to install it first. The address in which the package is typically installed is: /usr/share/libreoffice/share/config/images_crystal.zip Of course if you didn't installed the package first, it won't be there. To install it and be sure which the proper location address is, put in a terminal: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-crystal or search it with synaptic or the software centre to install it.
oh! I was looking in the wrong folder... thank you very much, now it works! o.
hola, como se pueden a volver a compresionar los icons de office .zip, ya que siempre que los modifico al volverlos a compresionar .zip no funcionan, con cual programa los compresionas a .zip GRACIAS HI, CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN HOW TO COMPRESS OFFICE ICON .ZIP,BECAUSE AFTER I MODIFIED THEM AND COMPRESS BACK TO .ZIP,DO NOT WORK, ERROR ON OFFICE TOOLBAR THANKS
Probablemente estás comprimiendo desde una dirección equivocada. No tenés que comprimir la carpeta desde afuera de la carpeta, sino desde adentro de ella. O sea, tenes que meterte dentro de la carpeta del tema, comprimir todo lo que hay ahí... en ubuntu click derecho compress in .tar file. Y listo. Por supuesto, de acuerdo a lo que hayas modificado el tema puede andar o no... :P Saludos! Amigo querido, se dice comprimir, no compresionar :)
¡Hola He instalado los iconos Faenza en LibreOffice 4.0.0 Hice algunos ajustes y funcionan bien. Aquí está mi guía. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+Icons++for+LibreOffice++4.0.0?content=157970 Saludos cordiales. Mariano
Solved / Solucionado download with the same instructions. Descargar siguiendo las mismas instrucciones http://ubuntuone.com/42wT4St02RWembaZtSBwdM Un Saludo.
gracias por colaborar con el mantenimiento del paquete!!! :)
Informarle de un gran error, en libreoffice 3.5 no funcionan, no se cargan los iconos solo letras. Probado en Ubuntu 11.10 y 11.04 y 10.10. Antes en la 3.4 de libreoffice iban bien ahora no? he reinstalado todo varias veces libreoffice y los iconos. Puede solucionarlo?? Si le ayuda creo que la disposicion de las carpetas de los ZIP de los iconos es distinta. Un Saludo. Mi twitter es @javnisa o @lexnos
¡Hola He instalado los iconos Faenza en LibreOffice 4.0.0 Hice algunos ajustes y funcionan bien. Aquí está mi guía. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza+Icons++for+LibreOffice++4.0.0?content=157970 Saludos cordiales. Mariano
mod, most notably after a recent update to 3.4.5 via .deb downloaded from the LO website. The problem is that for whatever reason, the terminal commands, as well as moving the files manually via GUI as root, sets permissions on the modded icon zip file incorrectly to be root:read-write. For the mod to work, ALL permissions(user-group-all) must set to read-only (444). Otherwise, the icon set will simply disappear from the list to choose from in LO. Excellent work, by the way. Thank you very much!
Excellent!!! Just what I was looking for. Thanks! Because I can't stand large icons, I edited your file to include small-icons compatibility. I also added a few more icons. Feel free to use it if you want: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/44644152/images_crystal.zip
Looks great! Just one bug: after insertion of a graphic the (usually green) handles are disappeared so you cannot resize the object. Once deinstalled it works properly again. What can be done?
Did you finally manage to get the handles back? I have the same problem. I also had the same problem when I installed (following the same procedure) the humanity icon pack included in the Ubuntu version of LibO on my OpenSuse(KDE) machine (btw. I had the same problem also on a Win box).
No, not yet. I haven't got a clue how to fix this problem. Meanwhile, I reverted to the old icons.
please make the small icons for netbook screen size, I love your work
Thanks! They may be included in the next update! Gracias por comentar :)
Excelente idea. Y muy buen trabajo :) He aquí algunas sugerencias: * El icono de navegador creo que se presta a confusiones. Porque el navegador de LO no tiene nada que ver con un navegador de internet, y el icono de firefox confunde un poco. Yo lo cambié por el go-home, pero eventualmente escogería otro. * Hay algunos iconos sc_ que fueron cambiados por iconos 24x24px. Originalmente los sc_ son 16x16px por lo que produce algunas deformaciones, sobre todo en los menús (ej. navigator, paste)