Zukience Gotchi is a try to mix the general layout of Faience and the Zukitwo panel aesthetics...let me know if you like it...
Extract the tar.gz file and put it inside your /usr/share/themes directory or in ~/.themes directory if you have activated the "User Themes Extension".
Use Gome-Tweak-Tool to select the theme.
Ratings & Comments
Arghs.. and what GTK-theme and Windowtheme (decoration) do u use? (i missed the edit function here)
I realy have no clue where i found this wpaper...the gtk theme is called evolve...to get it paste this in a terminal emulator: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/themes sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install evolve-gtk-theme the metacity theme is called Equinox Evolution Squared...paste this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-equinox equinox-theme @+ eg
thanks ;)
what wallpaper do u use? :-)
wich icon theme do you use?
Neat way of separating objects css. Makes it easier to modify little details. To my taste, font siz more readable than Zutwiko's. Like it better with Apps smaller (apps.css): .icon-grid { spacing: 36px; -shell-grid-item-size: 70px; /*instead of 100*/ } .icon-grid .overview-icon { icon-size: 56px;/*instead of 64*/ }