Extended Places Menu Extension
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
NEW 1.5.4
- SSH Menu added (ssh,rdesktop,putty)
- fixed bookmarks support if bookmarks are hard-linked to external device
- multi-language ready
download the pot file and send the translations to wdt.developers@gmail.com
Available language packs will be published immediately
All data are stored and loaded through dconf (see in video, open in firefox) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11001258/pref_in_dconf.webm
The extension is separated extension,using it you may disable the regular "Places Menu" extension
The extension extends the official "Places Menu" extension with some useful additional items
1.) Open "File System" with user/root mode
2.) submenu for "VirtualBox VM's"
3.) submenu for FTP sites (clients supported are gFTP -> uses bookmarks, Filezilla -> uses sites in site manager
4.) main bookmarks menu can be "collapse/expanded"
5.) submenu for custom actions
6.) preferences menu to do the preferred look
7.) and more ...
In "Readme" file is explained how to install (QUICK SETUP and NORMAL SETUP with explanation).
Again in "Readme" file is explained.
if you are using in FTP menu the client Filezilla with "SITE MANAGER + sub-folders, in archive you can find instructions
Suggestions are welcomed
From version 1.1 in preferencs are integrated update buttons. The Ftp update button, recognize your selected client. Press the button to import newly bookmarked ftp account from client into menu and at the end click the save buton
Thanks to Shanto for ARCH packaging
Thanks to Toni TC for Fedora packaging
the extension is available also via WebUpd8 repository, the installation via repository have some minor differences, so follow instructions in this post: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/extended-places-menu-gnome-shell.html
spanish -- (thanks to Usuario)
holland/dutch (thanks to J.G.Visser)
Version 1.5.4 SSH Menu + multi-language ready
Version 1.5.3 bug fix release
Version 1.5.2 position mode
Version 1.5 Open Computer option, fixed pkexec
Version 1.4 instant save implemented, improved "File System" menu
Version 1.3 all data are saved and loaded via dconf, Actions submenu added for different custom actions
Version 1.2 have updated Preferences File,prepared for upcoming features. For update replace only the epmupdater file
Version 1.1 have new Preferences File, for update replace only the epmupdater file
Ratings & Comments
very useful extension, could you please make it work for gnome-shell 3.4 as well. Thanks, Vishy
Excellent extension! But as gnome-shell 3.4 has been released, could you add support for gnome shell 3.4? Thank you.
Thank you very much :D Breat work !
How to change SSH Menu list? I have several added connections, but in Preferences window SSH List is empty.
add your connections and at the end press the "Save" button to take effect
Hello, I love this gnome shell extension, i'd like to ask you if it's possible for the ssh part to use the ~/.ssh/config file ? I use this to have all my host and may be it could be great that the extention read the file and then add all the host ? some exemple of the config can be found here : http://kb.mediatemple.net/questions/1625/Using+a+SSH+Config+File If it's not possible it's not a problem :)
I will look at this option , maybe can be implemented
Thanks but it's not an obligation it was only a question :)
Hello, in nautilus bookmark, I have several network address (smb, ftp, ssh) bookmark, but they don't show in your extension panel, is it a bug? Do you have a github page or aoher developpement page to declare bug? Thanks for this very good extension. LGDN
the bookmarks section working with emit signal on nautilus bookmarks, so if you are not connected, the bookmark place is hidden. By the way you can use ssh menu section or actions menu section for this job. I will try to change the default "bookmarks" style to support all places as well. For now is used the default gnome-shell bookmarks style
I have a lot of links to external servers in my .gtk-bookmarks file i.e., links of the form sftp://example.com/home/user These work fine in the Nautilus bookmarks menu, and they worked fine in the old GNOME 2 places memu, but they don't show up in this extension. Is it possible to add support for them? Thanks for this great plugin!
My users directories (Music, Downloads, etc) don't show up! I have custom names setup for my user directories in user-dirs.dirs (Musik, Dls, etc) I'm wondering why it isn't working.
The script reads .gtk_bookmarks
sorry for typo .gtk-bookmarks
Hi there, If I install 1.5.3 on Ubuntu, the preferences dialog no longer comes up (so I can't tell if the Actions bug is fixed). Thanks
Make that 1.5.4. I didn't try 1.5.3, just the latest which I see is 1.5.4.
1.5.4 have the epmupdater fixed + new functions, so you can update directly to 1.5.4
read carefully the "UPDATE" file, you need always after the copy, chmod +x the epmupdater file
Ok, Ubuntu just updated itself and all is working now.
This is fantastic! The option to open filesystem as root saves me some time and effort. The actions menu is great - I just recently upgraded from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10, and was quite shocked by the changes from GNOME 2 to 3, especially the loss of the launchers I used to have on my panel for different scripts. :( But hooray, I can now have those scripts in the actions menu! :) Adding items to the actions menu is currently broken for me, as I'm on the 1.5.2 version from Webupd8's PPA, but I see you've already fixed this in the newest update. I imagine Webupd8 will have 1.5.3 up soon enough. As it happens, I'm also a user of both VirtualBox and FileZilla, so this tool has fit very well into my usage patterns. Thank you for making this!
WebUpd have it in 1.5.2 (second release), you need run only sudo apt-get update and you will get the update (of course if you have enabled WebUpd PPA)
I have a suggestion: if Nautilus is not set to draw the desktop, running Nautilus as root changes the desktop background to the root wallpaper. To fix this, you could use this in the "nautilus-root" file: pkexec /usr/bin/nautilus --no-desktop / And I also have a question: I would like to upload this to the WebUpd8 GNOME3 PPA but there's no license... I assume it uses the same license as the original Places Menu extension, right? Thanks!
thanks for the suggestion, it has been implemented into v 1.5, also the nautilus-root file is no more used (check the archive). yes you can publish it as well. Also you can package it for deb systems if you want. At this point, please fix all metadata.js files in your PPA to have the version 3.2 not only 3.2.0, because in today gnome-shell update this was necessary
I've already fixed the extensions since yesterday.
Thumbs up !