Description: We all know Ambiance as Ubuntu's default theme. Now imagine a few enhancements and added features. Next make the bottom task bar readable. Now we have what I refer to as Ambiance Reborn II. Difference from the first version I created is now all borders are present. Change on slider as now when clicked on turns green. So now we have to color changes. Is seen red, hover changes to amber and clicking to drag turns green. Text changes from Black Beauty II have been applied along with nice light blue around Gnome tweak. As with others appears on Brasero, updates, etc. Is simply very sharp for a theme and is one that could easily become a default theme due to its performance and workmanship. Comes with original metacity/new text colors and the mac type. I was quite wrong on the first to not offer both. So please except my apologies and enjoy this theme to the utmost. As usual if any problems please let me know. All I seek is to create themes that work the best on our systems. As usual can also be modified easily. Please no spam and always let's be adultsLast changelog:
Location on pathbar is now in light-blue text vs lighter shade on previous version
Top and bottom border now present when scrolling down applications, Tweak, Nautilus, Nemo, etc.
backdrop window turns all text to red, active text colors are amber, light blue and green.
Except for original coloring all coloring has been reduced as to be easier on the eyes
FG color used to accentuate border around Gnome Tweak for a fluorescent light effect
Script lines added to produce change in scrollbar so when button is clicked on turns green.
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