Description: Here is a new rendition of an earlier theme I did called Burgundy. This time there are some fun changes to it and has also come quite a long way since I originally created it! As all my themes "Black & White" text is obsolete! It just seems to spoil coloring and will never do it, so never ask!
Once again am enjoying the backdrop mode! To me a theme should show some difference in that mode, so we mistakenly do not think an unactive window is active! "Doors" as I call the drop downs in Gnome Tweak have taken on a triple coloring but still retain that rounded shape I enjoy so much! Since that is true we also know all switches take on that same effect and is kind of decent looking. It also matches the trim around Gnome Tweak! Sort of an effect of light shinning down on those doors was my intention! Art is art, which also counts on imagination! I always aim for that, since some of us want something clearly unique for our themes! So, I simply do my very best to do that.
Also am going to explain the same fact remains with all my themes that numbers for colors are all contained in 3 files. Those files are gtk-2.0/gtkrc, gtk-3.0/gtk.css and gtk-3.0/settings.ini. The reason this was done is to make it simple for those wishing to create their own coloring scheme can simply edit those files and change away! I know my themes will not suit everyone and never expected that to be the case! So, I made it simple as possible to do your own editing and make it as you want it to be! Most theme creators do not do this as it is expected you use their themes "as is"
Same traits as this whole series has been that there are no pngs or svg's in gtk-3.0. All relies on script so it can most likely easily be used on smaller devices. Still am hoping for a response to that as I am aiming my themes for looking very similar on all devices and gtk desktops! Those wanting to express negativity, can pick from my two responses for Black Knight! I will no longer lower myself to fool's ramblings! Those looking to solve any issues they may be experiencing will be more than glad to assist and repair the theme if need be! The only reason I ever started making themes was my displeasure with many themes on here! Upon creating themes I learned to respect other theme creators greatly! None of this is easy work! So I will continue to beg and plead, to appreciate we have this great site and authors donate countless hours of unpaid service just so you can enjoy how your desktop looks! SPAM AND RUDE COMMENTS NOT WELCOME HERE!
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