Description: I thought might be nice to have a few more effects to this theme. Menu is now black to add more black to the Red and Black theme. Blue is the tip on the internet for you know it B.O.C! This is second to last theme as have arrived at the point I set out for. Same as last themes user can now easily switch colors for all pages of the theme in 4 sheets plus settings.ini. Most others splatter the numbers all over the place. I finally got to the point and is faster to make them. Now you can do it yourself very easily. Simply change colors in gtk-main.css and gtkrc. Then open XML files for metacity and cue some in. Put them in settings.ini and presto! Hope you enjoy this second edition and as always please do not spam. Comments welcome, but please if you have never made a theme think about it before you knock down someone else's. Remember folks this takes time and anyone that creates these themes has donated their personal time! Please have respect for it as I do! I may not like all themes out there, but I do appreciate all efforts!
Told you folks this is BOC and Foreigner does not have any reason to break in on this song! Please go into metacity-1 folder and delete metacity-theme-3.xml. This file is not needed and causes double-text(Double-Vision) on the regular and classic Gnome desktop. When file is deleted, this will not occur and the theme is usable and faster loading. The investigation of this error has led to an improvement which will be added to all future themes. No longer will xml files of my themes contain #xxxxxx. Will all be cued into gtkrc which improves speed and load time of theme! Thanks greatly for alerting me quickly on this error and you have yourselves to thank for all future improvements resulting from it! I am in this to help and improve things! We are all the Red and The Black. We will get our man. Our Man = Themes that work right!
Double-Vision occurs on the Gnome Desktop but not flashback. Upon working on my next project, I saw the problem on Gnome Desktop and is a problem due to the amount of 3 colors for upper 3 light metacity bar. It does not appear to happen on 2 colors, only 3. Least I now see it and can now work on it to get it fixed. This occurs on all 3 color metacity's I have Black Beauty, Johnny Dear, Bumble BB, Ambiance Reborn and all Red and the Blacks. Please until this can be resolved if using Gnome Desktop switch to a two color metacity. Sorry for the inconvenience!
All attempts to reset settings in XML files to previous settings have fail. Vain attempt to cure double-vision with V2b now online and appears with not as bright text in attempt for possible strain or to much gain on video cards. If does not help please email and I will continue more attempts. New xml for ambiance in the works, but so far am having trouble with gtk accepting changes.
Am not sure what you have happening there and need a day will make another metacity up to see if it can be resolved! I had an issue on my computer with window not closing and tried a fix, so maybe the original file will work without the fix. Just give me a day, send me an email address will gladly mail it to you! I just want everyone to enjoy these themes and learn more about them myself in the process!
I have mint 13 on my laptop. the theme is very nice, there is a bug in the theme. the title on the metacity,has double text. it makes it where u can't read it. can u tell me what to change to fix the bug. thank u 4 ur hard work.
Ratings & Comments
Told you folks this is BOC and Foreigner does not have any reason to break in on this song! Please go into metacity-1 folder and delete metacity-theme-3.xml. This file is not needed and causes double-text(Double-Vision) on the regular and classic Gnome desktop. When file is deleted, this will not occur and the theme is usable and faster loading. The investigation of this error has led to an improvement which will be added to all future themes. No longer will xml files of my themes contain #xxxxxx. Will all be cued into gtkrc which improves speed and load time of theme! Thanks greatly for alerting me quickly on this error and you have yourselves to thank for all future improvements resulting from it! I am in this to help and improve things! We are all the Red and The Black. We will get our man. Our Man = Themes that work right!
Double-Vision occurs on the Gnome Desktop but not flashback. Upon working on my next project, I saw the problem on Gnome Desktop and is a problem due to the amount of 3 colors for upper 3 light metacity bar. It does not appear to happen on 2 colors, only 3. Least I now see it and can now work on it to get it fixed. This occurs on all 3 color metacity's I have Black Beauty, Johnny Dear, Bumble BB, Ambiance Reborn and all Red and the Blacks. Please until this can be resolved if using Gnome Desktop switch to a two color metacity. Sorry for the inconvenience!
All attempts to reset settings in XML files to previous settings have fail. Vain attempt to cure double-vision with V2b now online and appears with not as bright text in attempt for possible strain or to much gain on video cards. If does not help please email and I will continue more attempts. New xml for ambiance in the works, but so far am having trouble with gtk accepting changes.
Am not sure what you have happening there and need a day will make another metacity up to see if it can be resolved! I had an issue on my computer with window not closing and tried a fix, so maybe the original file will work without the fix. Just give me a day, send me an email address will gladly mail it to you! I just want everyone to enjoy these themes and learn more about them myself in the process!
I have mint 13 on my laptop. the theme is very nice, there is a bug in the theme. the title on the metacity,has double text. it makes it where u can't read it. can u tell me what to change to fix the bug. thank u 4 ur hard work.