Description: This theme is intended to help newer users or those intending to learn the basics of theme creation as to make them for themselves. Since I am not the greatest programmer or theme creator, I can only do my best to help. This was not done for me, so I wanted to pass as much as I have learned off to others that would like to make themes, but have no idea where to start. Originally conceived during the creation of The Red and The Black and is basically where this theme begins at. The coloring is strange but as the theme suggests RGB is the main color scheme of theme creation or most any type of color work done on the net! Some of the stoplight motif is present but not possible in all aspects as to permit showing different aspects of theme creation. Once again, I will re-iterate I am not a seasoned professional at theme creation. I am a regular user that has downloaded countless themes. I only stepped into this, since many of those themes would not function on my system. I then figured It may be the same for others. So selflessly, I gave many hours to learn all these new concepts and understand what it takes to create a theme. Since I know most people would not appreciate spending 2 months day in, day out learning, I have only done my best to share the basic concepts of what I know. I hope this will help and also ask from the more experienced theme creators to help others out in a friendly manner and do not discourage their ideas and let their brilliance shine! Not everyone can enjoy the coloring of every theme out there. Just please respect the amount of time and effort that goes into all this! I know after all the time I have spent, I have a very deep respect for this area! Comments welcome if in a professional manner as to help others. Spam is not acceptable and am grateful it has been vacant from comments for some time now! Best wishes for your first theme creation! BB
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