Description: The themes have been reworked as they were not working properly and did not have the proper looks or coded to the Stoplight Motif! They now look right and work great as they should no conflicts while loading or opening up Chromium As no one seems to comment about liking these themes, I will bid farewell after 2 more. I am very sorry I made the mistakes on the first issues and least I own up to them and replaced them quickly. Since there are no comments about mistakes, I assume I found all. Comments welcome, Spam is not!Last changelog:
Chromium no longer has 2 commands to follow. Empty spaces are gone under and around buttons. Proper coloring to follow the stoplight motif. Settings.ini no follows code of other 4 files with coloring. Gtk.main.css contains all colors and new additions and can be used by new users to recolor entire theme.
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