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I am probably going to get a heavy amount of negativity on this theme, but believe me I mean well! I was in the USAF, my father served in WWII and I have a deep respect for our country and those that serve it Next is going to be a bit out of the normal from all of my themes so will do some explaining!

On the bottom panel the active window will be red, white, blue. The bottom panel is blue, white, red so basically is reversed for the active window. The top panel which run the opposite will be likewise, blue on top when clicking on! This is the trickiest theme I ever have done to date! Still, I feel since it has never been seen before, will be kind of cool to do it! I also hope no one takes any offense to this as nothing but deep respect is meant. For those that are not fans of America, I understand we are all created free and have our own beliefs. I would never force mine on anyone as that is not what we have fought for!

Back to the important things. Scrollbar is also going to be very unique! First trough runs opposite of background. Next scrollbar matches background but gets brighter. Is a very wild effect when you click on the scrollbar it then matches trough coloring but is brighter. Is just amazing seeing this all come together. If someone can improve on it, be my guest and do it! Also please by all means share the remake is all I ask!

Is not a perfect theme at all and this time will have to say anything to fix it goes beyond me as am not yet that experienced!!!! Believe me, was very difficult to come up with this concept and to even get it to function half as well as it does! I know I am kind of walking away from an undone project as this does need help, big time! Maybe in the future as time goes on, I will find a way to fix it completely, for now it works but is not right on the money! So, I am saying use at your own risk and if you have an idea of how to fix it so will work as it should, by all means do it and re-release it! I did my best, fought the good fight but this time lost a bit!!! Spent 4 days on it and am not totally delighted with it by no means. Still a great percentage is there and just needs a little TLC from someone more experienced in this than I am. Remember am no pro, just trying to bring some new styles in! So please as will reiterate, do not complain about it to me as just do not have any idea how to fix it the rest of the way. There is also a possibility, my built in graphics is just not able to handle the strain, so if by chance all works well, please let me know!!!! I just wanted to make something real special as I love my country very much and grateful to be free!

I also support all freedom for all mankind as is our destiny! Hope you will enjoy what I have done and take it very seriously and enjoy!

Ratings & Comments



I like the idea of a American flag GTK theme, but the execution is poor. I would like to see stars and stripes in your theme. Just seeing RED, WHITE, and BLUE reminds me of the French flag. It is BLUE, WHITE, and RED. I do enjoy your patriotism.


Thanks! I wish I was better at this and sure would put the stars in! I have also thought about changing the metacity theme to stars. Believe me, once I figure a way to get the stars in will be there! If someone else figures in the meantime, will greatly appreciate it! Wore me out a bit with all the coloring on the pngs! Maybe another week or more will work with it again!


I voted up for where your heart is (I too have tried to do red, white, and blue themes before, only to get a lot of negative votes), but I too am forced to say that it might be something I'd use for around the Fourth of July, but not for everyday use. Nice effort, though. I guess this is just one of those things where one still has yet to stumble across THE right combination in order to pull something off like this...


Making a theme based on a flag is very difficult not to mention that it only appeals to the nationality of the flag. A few tips though: 1. start simple, take a basic simplistic theme and first work on a single element, like the start button or taskbar. 2. Don't ever repeat the same png in different sizes over and over all over the place. All your themes suffer from over use of gradients in almost every place possible. What ends up happening is it washes out the effect completely and looks unprofessional. 3. Really think about each element, how it fits in, what its purpose is and what it looks like with its surroundings. 4. Once you have completed your theme ask yourself if everything you see is clearly readable, does it look seamless and tidy, does it hurt your eyes to look at it (too much contrast, bad color combinations etc) 5. Wait a day and look at it again and make changes as you see them (taking a break helps a lot to spot problems you would be blind to after hours of looking at something). 6. Remember, themes are art, and like all art we all have different tastes and ideas. The trick to a non garish flag theme is subtlety, you want to incorperate all the elements so they are easily spotted but no imediately in your face. Try to vary up your themes more, stay away from excessive gradients and change your font to a simpler one. All your themes look like recolors of your first one and that one was not great to start with. If you want to learn, start fresh with each new theme and really focus on your weak areas. I have said the same things to people getting started in 3d art many times, practice only happens when you start fresh each time. Good luck with your themes and Happy New Year ^^


With gtk2.0 agree am having major issues! Most of the reason why is PNGs are a pain! Svg's can be manipulated incredibly, which is most of the reason I stay on flashback. The fonts are only my choice for my computer and I never force them on anyone! I have left them as an option in shell themes have done only. My wife also hates my fonts! I am sort of old world style with cursive writing and love it very much. Would be a pain to switch each time I do a pic. Figure one can tell by the coloring if they like and then try it on their desktop. America was very difficult due to images and making sure to invert so one could see open windows or hovers. I know was a very strange way to carry it out, but could figure no other way. I still hope someone more brilliant will work on it, as I have a long way to go on theme creation. Is just something that one can not learn in a short time. I have been doing this since August and feel I only know a little over a quarter about it! Least I can admit that fact. Coloring wise, I like to be flamboyant and add more texture to give those illusions a switch is not one dimensional but is three! Sure not everyone will appreciate those facts, but I also do this as to hopefully inspire others. Am very pleased lately, there are some beautiful themes available unlike for a bit with the same dreary ones! Color is great! We have computers and a great desktop to do it with, so as always I say let's take advantage of it!!!! Show those developers great justice and how proud we are of them! If it were not for them, we are nothing!

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